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Posts by Azalo
What Television Show Was Your All-Time Favorite?
by minimus ina couple of my favorites are taxi and now the soprano's.
Assembly Food
by El Kabong inwhat are some of the foods you remember being served at district and circuit assemblies.
i remember every sunday was roast chicken.
also i remember them serving knockwurst and saurkraut.
My earliest memories of WT assemblies are of the food and the dramas. I really liked the food when I was little, the breaded chicken sandwiches and the burritos were my fav. I remember one time at a circuit assembly they had mcdonalds food. And a couple of times we had really good puerto rican food, like a giant potluck or something. In the Spanish district/circuit where I was they didnt make too big of a deal about people leaving for lunch. I do remember the tickets, my mom would give me a book of 10$ for the three days. I dodnt know if this happened everywhere but at our assemblies people would start forming a line even before the session ended. funny memories.
First actual Drill!
by pr_capone inwell... i am in a hotel room right now on someone elses computer.
thought i would give you all an update.
i am tired.
if you are a good squad leader your squad will hate you if you are a bad one you will feel the wrath of your drill instructor for everyone's mistakes. but since you are not really in basic yet that might not be true, I would avoid leadership postions in basic. it didnt help anyone i know, they were just the most hated people in tech school.
Morning After Pill
by Sirona ina dub that i know says that there has been "new light" regarding the morning after pill.
are they allowing the destruction of a foetus / embryo now?.
The morning after pill is just a mega dose of regular birth control, my understanding is that if taken in time it stops conception from occuring it doesnt destroy the zygote.
you might be thinking of the abortion pill ru486 which i dont think has been approved yet by the FDA.
how do you get ahead in the org?
by Azalo ina question: how does an elder move ahead?
what i mean is my father has been an elder for over 20 years and as far as i know he has never been offered any high profile jobs, co etc, never gotten to give the big talks at assemblies, etc, i was just wondering is there some type of politics that goes along with it?
a question: how does an elder move ahead? what i mean is my father has been an elder for over 20 years and as far as i know he has never been offered any high profile jobs, CO etc, never gotten to give the BIG talks at assemblies, etc, i was just wondering is there some type of politics that goes along with it?
Did You Ever Aspire To Be Anything Special In The Organization?
by minimus ini never wanted to go to bethel but when i was a teenager, i wondered what i would need to do to become a circuit overseer.
when i was little i wanted to be a bethelite cause it seemed like so much fun.
We've decided to have a baby! (Advice needed)
by StinkyPantz ini know that many of you gave me the advice to wait until i'm done with school, but what can i say, i'm stubborn .
please share your pre-pregnancy and pregnancy tips that either made things smoother or things you wish you has done to make things easier.
i also want opinions on such things as epidurals, circumcision, nutrition, breast-feeding, money saving tips, etc.
since you are going to be showered with gifts you sould register so u'll get the things you want, is a good site.
1. stroller, i reccomend the carseat-stroller combos
2. bouncer
3. playpen- the kind that also has the little changing table
4. lots of onesies
I dont think a crib is a necessity because i think having the baby sleep with you is best, our baby slpet with us until she was 2. i definitely reccomend breast feeding, my kids never get sick. i disagree with LDH about the diapers, my wife and i like huggies (regular not supreme). cloth are great especially if you care about the environment and the service costs about the same or even less than disposable. dont expose yourself to any chemicals or fumes while pregnant (i speak from experience). cant think of anything else except that i agree with rayzorblade about the avatar.
mid twenties/male/mississippi (not by my own free will)
by asleif_dufansdottir inok, i'm not trying to fan any flames, (don't beat me simon!
) but the anthropologist will explode if she doesn't get to say something.
"race" - we are all homo sapiens sapiens.
i couldnt have said it better than the original poster though i tried but failed miserably on the aforementioned locked thread.
A Conspiracy Theory we can really get our teeth into....
by searchfothetruth incurse of the jinxed matrix movie.. the new matrix movie has been cursed with a spate of deaths and disasters which have led some people to believe that certain 'forces' did not want the movie to be made.. the first major shock was when r&b singer aaliyah, who had signed up for the role of zee, was killed in a plane crash before completing her scenes.
then a month later, actress gloria foster, who played the oracle in the original film, died of a heart attack while filming, although she will still be seen.. carrie-anne moss was badly hurt while shooting action scenes and had to be side-lined for five weeks.. keanu reeves broke his ankle and caused another delay in the filming.. keanu reeves girlfriend was killed in a car crash and just before this she had suffered a miscarriage after announcing that he was going to be a father.. his sister also suffered a relapse in her battle against leukaemia causing him to abandon filming to go back to hawaii.. additionally, a number of special effect company's commisioned to produce key scenes went bust- causing costs to soar for the 2 sequels to more than 190 million.. .
of course, these are all probably co-incidences but the first film was controversial for it's view that 'we are all slaves'.. i can't wait for the film to be released, and the trailers are fantastic..
i cant wait to see the matrix reloaded, i might even go to the very first show at midnight