I was working in New Orleans for a few weeks last year and a hotel room in the French Quarter, and so I tended to spend time walking around. Anyway it was getting late one night, and I was way up on Rue St. Anne looking at the buildings and just generally thinking about life and loneliness and what not, and I had gotten a bit lost, to tell the truth.
There was this dude following about a half block behind me and the street was empty. "Great, one mugging coming up." I thought. I reckoned I was probably going to fight it out, unless a gun was involved, just because, well, I wasn't in much of a mood that I lived or died at the time, and kicking someone's ass who had it coming didn't sound too disagreeable, either. I did try to get back in the general direction of Jackson Square, though, figuring that if I made it into an area some other tourists were at that the dude following me would slink back off up the rue and wait for better pickings.
Well he was closing in. I saw a shop with no sign or anything I could see, but I just opened the door and I was in a nice magick shop. The lady that owned it was a witch. Very nice to me. I told her what had happened and she suggested I stay awhile. We talked awhile and I let her know I was in a R+C/GD order, which seemed to at least be a common link. I don't think she was Gardnerian (Gardner, was, btw, a Rosicrucian of an obscure European order, before inventing his wicca). I didn't have much money, which the mugger would have been sad to discover, so I didn't by anything, but she gave me a little good luck charm. I still keep it on my desk. She was very attractive to me, witty, interesting, and while she did not have a black dress and pointy hat on, the pvc micro-mini was pretty cool. Anyway, I figured the odds were pretty good she was a lesbian, as so many witches tend to be, at least in this part of the country, so I didn't bother to even make a try for "it", figuring a bit of friendship at the right time was more then enough that night. I left after awhile.
Yep, she's my favorite witch, and I would like very much to return and say hello one day.