Dear Comrades, what you are seeing is not to be viewed with the bourgoise eye of disdain, but rather with proletariat joy, for in these purges, we see realtheocratik at play. New committess committed to the Five Year Plan will be forming at your various Bible Collectives with a fucus on increased production. Now is the time to end all idle talk and put our shoulders to the task of ending this internetizdat, striking at the root of traitourous apostacy. Yes we should all support new committees and new committee members, appointed to their roles due to their admirable qualities as apparatchiks with the Bethel Central Committee.
In accordance with this, there will also be coming by some theocratik officers to ask you questions. Do not be allarmed comrades. If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about, no?
-General Secretary Gitachev