Gita, if you ever were a true believer, you know that shouldn't be so harsh. If you doubted that it was the "truth", then--good for you. You were smarter than a lot of us..
I'm not being harsh, I'm just telling it like it is. We were all Jdubs and to some degree we were all idiots, but blaming our idiocy competely on the Society is pedantic. To quote Ben Kenobi "Who is more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him." And yes I know the old blah blah blah about "What if it was YOUR baby back then?" Well it wasn't and I never had to deal with that situation. But for those who did and who did let their children die from a lack of blood transfusion, they are as guilty for their deaths as would a person who willingly through their baby in a garbage disposal. Yes the garbage disposal did the dirty work, but the parent facilitated it. Gita of the "Sick of Victimization Mentaility" Class.