Damn. I thought it was Bjork coming to JWD to express her true love for me. Oh well.
Good to meet you Iceland!
Damn. I thought it was Bjork coming to JWD to express her true love for me. Oh well.
Good to meet you Iceland!
i just had a call a couple of hours ago from my ex.
she said my youngest daugher was in a bad car accident.
i asked her what happened, and told me that she was just pulling out from the drive way, and made a left turn.
puternut, I am glad to know she is not hurt, and I hope that your nerves are not too frayed.
i have long laughed about this so when i saw it, it was pretty funny.
maybe you had to be there.. i was on the city bus this morning, on my way to school.
(i'm in college) anyway, i saw a guy reading a watchtower and i was wondering if he was a real dubbie or had just picked up the magazine off the seat or something.
D'accord babyface, but the I think the problem is that for many witnesses, they just didn't have many other chances to do anything else. There's nothing wrong with earning an honest living. I've had a lot of wierd jobs before I got the training I needed to do what I wanted to do, and sometimes I think if I could get paid the same to clean as to do this, I might just take a cleaning job.
Again, I think the thing is, that a lot of witnesses just don't have many other options, and that is a shame, and it is, unfortunately a stereotype with some truth behind it.
has anyone else noticed shakedowns in their area.
in my state whole service committee's (presiding overseer, service overseer, sectretary) have been replaced in many congregations including our's.
also, at the green bay convention and in many talks locally it seems there is a lot of hammering on the faithful and discreet slave.
Dear Comrades, what you are seeing is not to be viewed with the bourgoise eye of disdain, but rather with proletariat joy, for in these purges, we see realtheocratik at play. New committess committed to the Five Year Plan will be forming at your various Bible Collectives with a fucus on increased production. Now is the time to end all idle talk and put our shoulders to the task of ending this internetizdat, striking at the root of traitourous apostacy. Yes we should all support new committees and new committee members, appointed to their roles due to their admirable qualities as apparatchiks with the Bethel Central Committee.
In accordance with this, there will also be coming by some theocratik officers to ask you questions. Do not be allarmed comrades. If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about, no?
-General Secretary Gitachev
i am one of those lurkers who finally decided to post and introduce myself.
i could possibly win an award for the longest addicted reader without posting ever.
i started reading this site when the old h2o shut down - what was that - 3 or 4 years ago.
Hi Chloe good to meet you.
i was looking at valis' thread and i agree that being insulting, provoking or rabid is out of order in any type of discussion.
when people in general, anywhere, talk about religion or politics, it usually sets up sides.
one of the things that jehovah's witnesses were not allowed to do ever, was to get involved in any type of political discussion.
I've never heard the term "certain ones" used without it meaning someone did something low down dirty.
sorry bout that pushed enter and it went to post the new topic with nothin on it.
but too many people are getting confused and coming to this forum thinking we are jws.
one person in chat (not saying his name) was terribly mad at us because he thought we were jws even though we said we weren't and that we hated the wts but i dunno didn't listen but i know if we say "this is an apostate site" it might not attract some people.
consider it an open door to good dialogue.
i was looking at valis' thread and i agree that being insulting, provoking or rabid is out of order in any type of discussion.
when people in general, anywhere, talk about religion or politics, it usually sets up sides.
one of the things that jehovah's witnesses were not allowed to do ever, was to get involved in any type of political discussion.
nipple envy
Maybe he is really a time traveller from a dismal future where all they have to watch are Jeopardy Reruns.