He came during the event called the Pentecost
But did he want to go right to sleep afterwords, or talk and cuddle awhile?
hello, my name is ebonychristian (ebony=caribbean {black}, christian=i am a protestant).
i am an evangelist, and debating is my passion.
my email address is [email protected], and please, feel free to use it.
He came during the event called the Pentecost
But did he want to go right to sleep afterwords, or talk and cuddle awhile?
theres also a congregation in Peru who take a boat down the Amazon, and when they get as far as they can go, send magazines in bottles down the rover, hoping the natives will find them
Great, now I hear Sting singing "Sending out an SOS.. Sending out an SOS.. Sending out an SOS" in my head. Oh well, the bottles were probably mistaken for fish by engandgered Amazonian river dolphins who promptly ate them and died from intestinal blockage.
in the resurrection, what form will you take when jesus appeared (in the second coming) ?.
1. physical body.
2. spirit body
Will you recognize him when he returns?
Will you reject his teachins, ere the seem bizarre?
Will you mock him and throw stuff at him?
Let him out and into your heart
Let him train your children in compassion and Jeet-Kun-Do
So that they will fight on the right side, not on the wrong side.
so that you and your family can be with jesus in heaven
I have to take that back, it's Tristan da Cunha . This island is the remotest populated island (not counting places with no permanent residents like Antarcica), and it I believe it does have JWs, if not, then St. Helena 2000 miles away which definately does.
The Falklands?
ok, i'm not one for conspiracy theories but lately i've uncovered some interesting facts that i think warrant some attention.. first of all, russell was a freemason.
all the early watchtower and books he authored have freemason symbology and art throughout them.
not a big deal i thought, until i read more about freemasons and the so-called "illuminati", a group of 13 families that supposedly control the world.. supposedly these 13 families, such as the duponts, mcdonalds, kennedys, .
You aren't seriously posing a Jack Chick comic as some sort of profound truth, are you Yiz?
follow this link, folks, to a naive and feeble cartoon about how in a big bad world, jws are refreshingly honest, pure, holy, righteous, blah blah blah.......
Adding my favorite Jack Chick:
...are seperating, and darn it feels so weird.
one day i'm like "yeah, ok, sounds like this could be for the best" and the next day i'm feelin like :( i'm all packed up and ready to go on the 28th of this month, have arranged a new place to live not too far away from my boys, cant imagine life without them running around causing havoc everyday...but my wife and i are still handling things well and arranging weekly visits for them so i guess i have to look on the bright side.
wont share anymore except to say there is no 3rd person involved or anything like that .
Brumley, I hope that you are happier, the both of you. Its tough when you have to split up. No roadmap on what to feel. I hope you two can still have friendship.
If you have dealt with seperation how did you cope?
Made a lot of dumb mistakes. In between the dumb mistakes I took out time to actually get to know myself, though its an ongoing thing, and me and myself have come close to having a seperation. Played more golf. Dated (see "mistakes" above)
Still friends?
Sort of. I've not been a really good friend to her, I can admit, and I don't think she really knows me at all, and vice versa. She's got her life, and I got mine. If it weren't for the kids I doubt we'd ever really talk to one another again. It's not a bitterness thing, its just that life went on. It's sad, really.
oh, this may have been intended as a cute little promotional piece, but man oh man, it has all the makings for.... ...a tool for evil!!!
i tried it and it works within seconds of you entering the phone number .
Now I can have Hillary call me any time.
follow this link, folks, to a naive and feeble cartoon about how in a big bad world, jws are refreshingly honest, pure, holy, righteous, blah blah blah.......
Because Jehovah will banish all such ones to the Lego Aztek Pyramid: