what are the psychological components that cause a person to be obsessed with a person/religion/particular outcome to a situation, etc.? what is the payoff to being obsessed? how does one overcome an obsession? (or fanaticism)
JoinedPosts by nowisee
what is the nature of obsession?
by nowisee inwhat are the psychological components that cause a person to be obsessed with a person/religion/particular outcome to a situation, etc.?
what is the payoff to being obsessed?
how does one overcome an obsession?
the more precise question:
by nowisee inhas anyone found a way to reconcile homosexuality with scripture?
im really interested in an answer to this.
has anyone found a way to reconcile homosexuality with scripture? im really interested in an answer to this.
Which Topics Do You Find Most Boring Or Uninteresting Here?
by minimus inwe all know which topics interest us the most, but which subjects bore you the most?
some here love all fluff.
some hate it.some might respond to only intellectual arguments while others may not have the foggiest of what is being debated.....so, what do you tend to skip, here?
my eyes glazed over at the answers to my own question yesterday.
What's your inspiration in life?
by JH in.
what keeps you going strong every day and helps you confront the hardships of life?
is there something that inspires you and makes you triumph the hardships of life?.
nasty, nasty, nasty
What's your inspiration in life?
by JH in.
what keeps you going strong every day and helps you confront the hardships of life?
is there something that inspires you and makes you triumph the hardships of life?.
nasty, nasty, nasty
Conflicts in the mind
by JH in.
do you have an inner voice inside of you that opposes what you think about the jehovah witnesses?.
in other words, is there a part of you that will always be a jehovah witness, and a part of you that will always hate them?
my thoughts re jws are unified. i am now convinced the wts is false prophet. i have never hated jws and dont hate them now. i feel sad that they are so misguided, as i believe many of them are sincere and basically good people. it is very tragic when people abdicate responsibility for their own thinking and make an organization responsible for their beliefs and decisions. Acts 17:ll.
What's your inspiration in life?
by JH in.
what keeps you going strong every day and helps you confront the hardships of life?
is there something that inspires you and makes you triumph the hardships of life?.
there are many but these 4 immediately come to mind:
4) picking up a newly completed creative work and seeing it finished for the first time...
3) friends...
2) my husband, support, love and best friend...
l) "..though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. so we we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 cor. 16-18.
Anyone here can post anything they want...how much is true?
by berylblue inas i wrote my last post about d. h. (the jw woman who was superficially shot by her abusive non-jw husband), it occured to me that the entire story sounded fabricated.
but it got me thinking...i wonder how many of our posts here are fabricated, exaggerated or embellished?
has anyone here actually been caught in an outright lie?
if i ever decide to tell my whole story i will (tellin you all now) change some of the details to protect the innocent. my family was prominent enough that if i did not disguise it im sure it would be recognized. i have no wish to hurt anyone. anyway, everything i have said thusfar is true. the essence of possible future stories will be true.
2 & l/2 incidents
by nowisee ini had a fairly long-term bible study with a young woman with a somewhat worldly appearance.
this was in the days of very short miniskirts and big hair.
i finally got her to come to some meetings with me.
right. i guess i wasn't very clear. the common denominator is that all three of the women in these incidents were treated like garbage. the elders were hypocrites. in my case, i was pioneering and had done nothing wrong, but all of a sudden i was treated like poison along with my husband. guilt by virtue of marriage? my husband actually did eventually confess to me that he had "fondled" several women but no-one but he ever told me what really happened. so there seemed to be a huge double-standard with the men being protected. what really did happen, i guess i'll never know.
Have You Ever Written A Letter To the Society?
by minimus inwhen i was a kid, i remember my family regularly visiting other friends, including a brother that was the bible study servant.
every week, he would send a different letter to the society on a variety of subjects.
when our families would meet, he would ask us the question and we would do research or give our opinion on what we thought the society's answer was going to be.
just my letter of disassociation in 1976. short & sweet saying i was taking this action against them as a matter of conscience and would they please announce this publicly. i heard that they did. i disappeared.
minimis, you sure do know a lot.