i am so sorry about your mom, ascot. i have had a number of people close to me to have had strokes.
father-in-law - recovered quite quickly (had several tia's)
best friend's husband, had what should have been routine open-heart surgery to repair mitral valve, had stroke on operating table. he is a young person. lost some function on right side, speech seems to be permanently affected (but he is understandable - just struggles for correct word or pronunciation at times) he can't work anymore (was car salesman - you know how important speech is to them!) but he functions well and happily on disability, living the fine life boating as much as he can.
older (84 yrs) friend - her speech also somewhat impaired, not too bad though. she has weakened but could be from just old age.
another friend began suddenly to see double. someone we both knew was reading a book, "healing ourselves" (oriental macrobiotic approach) .. and recommended a god-awful tasting tea to him. he really resisted trying this tea but kept seeing double. was just about to try this awful brew when his vision cleared up. we all wondered what his conclusion would have been if he had tried the tea right before his vision cleared.....
anyway, all have had some effects, but all now after initial phases, live relatively normal lives. i pray that this will also be case with you mom.
best wishes, nowisee