thank you, englishman. -- i knew i didn't have it exactly right. thanks for sharing that with us, hopefully some food for thought.
abaddon and i were having a discussion in another thread regarding the differences between us patriotism and european patriotism.
apparently some people consider the us to be peopled with rabid flag waving, my country right or wrong, ugly americans.
i am wondering what the general concensus of this board would be?.
thank you, englishman. -- i knew i didn't have it exactly right. thanks for sharing that with us, hopefully some food for thought.
thank you francois.
my hs business courses have served me well too, particularly typing as you probably can tell!
abaddon and i were having a discussion in another thread regarding the differences between us patriotism and european patriotism.
apparently some people consider the us to be peopled with rabid flag waving, my country right or wrong, ugly americans.
i am wondering what the general concensus of this board would be?.
personally, i hope i NEVER blindly believe in or defend or applaud ANY organized structure after my experience doing so with wts, be it religious, political, social or other. i deplore the mentality of, "my country right or wrong." im not sure that self-congratulatory demonstrations such as the one that took place in nyc the other day about the us "victory" in iraq serves any positive purpose at all. to me it only increases dissension, and ill will.
one of the most chilling scenes i ever saw in a film was the scene in the pre wwII german beer-garden in cabaret. remember? -- a beautiful sunny day, people enjoying themselves, then one lone voice singing an innocent beautiful song to which one by one the people join in, building to a crescendo, singing/shouting, "tomorrow belongs to us." blind nationalism/patriotism is very frightening to me. and i do think that the us has seen a lot of it particularly since 9ll, much of it certainly rooted in fear rather than love.
shouldn't we be trying to blur the lines between us rather than define them?
best wishes to you. hope you will be able to stay in touch.
i was standing on my front porch talking on my cell phone when three car loads of them pulled up down the street.
by the time i finished my conversation, one of the jws was standing on my sidewalk waiting for me to get off the phone.
i eventually did.
wow. did you have that spiel all prepared or do you just think that quickly? i guess you made your point! hope he got it.
thanks to all who answered me. i found all of the stories to be interesting and many quite inspiring.
thank you again, larc.
thank you again, mystery/deborah, for your understanding, encouragement and insight.
thank you, carmel, for helping to bring to consciousness what was there just beneath the surface, undiscovered until your comments. you have given me the gift of knowing where i need to continue to do work.
strangely enough, i am in a profession that allows me to earn $l25(+/-) per hour, and this fairly lucrative work allows me also to work in an in-home studio doing something creative which i love and at which i earn substantial but less money overall. between my two occupations i am kept quite busy. but, you see, this apparently was not about money - it was about self-worth.
so, finally, bebu, thank you so so much for your loving answer, for giving me a reality check, and for reminding me of what is really important. i have enjoyed your posts as well and look forward to knowing you better.
and if anyone else would like to share his/her story, please do!
i just know brummie will be here with me on this one, but wasn't the eighties pop music just the best (maybe i'm getting old here at 32) but hey, bring back wham!
and duran duran, nik kershaw, howard jones kate bush aha etc etc.....just great.....reminds me of all my school days, being naughty and getting detention on more than one occasion.
there was no better decade for music.. union of the snake scott
rocketman, im with you. nothing can beat the classics of the late 60's - beatles, stones, beegees, etc.
elvis (50's & 60's) was pretty amazing too.
thank you larc. I TRULY appreciate your kind words and encouragement.
eeuuww -- what IS that??!! if you send it to survivor maybe they will use it on their next episode!
sorry, i really did get carried away answering carmel.
i am just so very impressed with everyone and i think it is so wonderful that so many have had the chance to get an education.
please continue! i am truly curious about all of you.