what has YOUR experience been with corporate america?
positive or negative?
care to elaborate?
what has your experience been with corporate america?.
positive or negative?.
care to elaborate?
what has YOUR experience been with corporate america?
positive or negative?
care to elaborate?
hey flyin...how are you?
i don't think i am naive....and i don't mean to blame only walmart. there is plenty of blame to go around on this issue beginning with the government and big corporations.
i have worked in many different situations, in companies large and small, and for the last almost 20 years have had my own business so i have been on both sides of this. i promise you i have been more than fair with any employees i have had, with the public i have served, and have tried to operate honestly and ethically. i chose to leave corporate america because of the lack of ethics, immorality (sexual and otherwise), and heartlessness that seemed to dominate in every company where i was employed. maybe i chose my employers poorly, - but they certainly all offered wonderful benefits, pensions, perks - i still came to the conclusion that it was a cesspool and left of my own volition.
now i am a lot poorer, working for myself, but at least i have peace of mind and i am not stressed out all the time.
i certainly sympathize and empathize - and identify - with anyone struggling with $ and can totally understand why you would make the decision to shop where prices are lower.
i still think the long-term ramifications of current economic trends will be devastating, most of all to this country, which is still mostly asleep, apathetic, or unconcerned - at least for now....
the only reason i would ever shop at wal-mart is if i cannot find the product i want anywhere else at any price.
i hate the greedy tactics of wal-mart, target, k-mart, etc, et al. one may THINK that you are saving $ at these establishments, but in the long run we will pay through the nose. at some point the s--t will hit the fan in this country. how many americans do they need to put out of work before the american public wakes up?
now, that i'm in my forties...heading toward fifty, fast; i feel old.
i feel like i've wasted a good part of my life with religious hang-ups!
i think that i would have done a lot of things differently had i not been raised the way i was.
hey sandy!
don't fret. you are still a baby.
i left wts age 28. muddled around for a while.
age 37 went to school and started new career.
age 40 married my second several years younger husband (love of my life).
age 40 opened my own business (bookstore).
age 49, sold my bookstore for asking price and started another career (the most fulfilling, one that i love).
still most happily married and happily involved with creative career.
body creaks and yells at me sometimes, but other than that i still feel 25.
this game is super hard to beat it's only four levels but it's like monster hard!.
anyone gets to level four let me know!.
click here http://www.winterrowd.com/maze.swf.
now that husband has picked me up off the floor.... that was nasty.
i usually sleep late, lounge, go out for breakfast....when it's warmer weather, i'm up early, exercising and enjoying *life*.
well it has been 30 yrs.... many evolutions... lately husband and i walk to "johnnycakes" for coffee and chocolate sticks while reading the morning sunday newspapers. mostly sipping and reading in silence, occasionally sharing some item of interest. nice, comfortable, peaceful. in the distance we can hear the churchbells.
starting a new thread so that everyone can find the link.. this is the video of the elders trying to act smart stupid.
they will keep the file as long as it is downloaded once every 14 days.. enjoy
i may have missed something since i haven't been around much... but, what were the two questions you were going to ask of the elders at the end of the film when they hastily retreated? just curious. seems you were prepared with them so they must be good.
ok, i promised!
so's not to take the other thread off topic, let's start on this here.. so: what's the dubs' most ridiculous teaching?.
i'll start.the ships of kittim.. .
if you pray for Jesus to come into your life a demon will jump in instead.
after the wts became a troublesome entity for you, how did you feel about the specific jws that persuaded you to come into the org which subsequently caused you so much heartache?
did you confront them on the issue?
my parents? sure i confronted them. interestingly, my father was also instrumental in getting me out (not by persuasion, just by example).
i just stated reading a book called "the lovely bones" by alice sebold.
i am beginning chapter 3. here is the excerpt from the inside cover:
when we first meet susie salmon, she is already in heaven.
essentials of the Christian faith by r.c. sproul