you surely must be kidding.
im as busy or busier now than i ever was as jw!!
after quitting meeting attendance, study for meetings and field service we gain alot of time.
i wasn't used to having that time to just do nothing and i've never been used to doing just nothing (relaxing and having time to stop and smell the roses).
so i joined the pto, my kids signed up for sports, i became a parent volunteer at the school, i became a coach and the list goes on.
you surely must be kidding.
im as busy or busier now than i ever was as jw!!
i woke up with my heart racing this morning.
i had an awful dream that i had gone home to visit my parents and that everybody in my former cong came bye to say hi.
in my dream, all the men had on suits and all the women had on floral dresses.
hi again.
not sure what you mean by "new age philosophies" since they tend to run the gamut. from witchcraft to yoga, from aliens to ecology, from aa recovery to channeling, from astrology to nlp and on and on.
i have divorced myself from much of it. became pretty disgusted with the psychics and people who patronized them. thought many were dishonest doing it for money and would try to milk the people; many of the people were unbalanced, emotionally disturbed. needed therapy, not psychics!
i suppose if there is anything to which i still subscribe (and indeed it is what led me into "the new age") it is the holistic view of health.
i did have interesting experiences though.
best wishes, nowisee
how many here ever dated a "worldly" person, while still a jw?
oh, of course.
in high school i even went steady (without parents' knowledge). but it wasn't "serious" if you know what i mean.
what posters do you like the most on this forum and why?.
farkel, i'm still too new.....i have only run across your postings a couple of times....also alanf and some others who were mentioned. i look forward to learning more about everyone.
im just a little bit puzzled about why you seemed to single me out for criticism.....but i am inexperienced and still trying to learn the ropes here.
nevertheless, i will stand by what i said.
as far as aguest, well i just WISH i could meet her and have dinner with her - that would be a great blessing to me - i am glad for you that you have had that opportunity. it might be difficult since i believe we are on opposite coasts, but i do enjoy my fellowship with her here.
my best wishes to you. nowisee
i woke up with my heart racing this morning.
i had an awful dream that i had gone home to visit my parents and that everybody in my former cong came bye to say hi.
in my dream, all the men had on suits and all the women had on floral dresses.
hi robdar,
i too liked cruzanheart's advice.
in one of my many lives since leaving wts in l976 (could that be a coincidence right after l975?) i owned and ran a new age bookstore (yes, really). i ran psychic fairs (i know, i know). one night i had a dream that some jws came for psychic readings wanting to know what was going to happen in the world. i just kept thinking in my dream, what are they doing here, what are they doing here.
i often will have dreams about things in my past that are not currently part of my life - i don't think its too unusual when these things have played such significant roles in your experience.
usually i just observe. if a dream is particularly troubling (not usually but once in a while) then i will try to discover why. sometimes journaling helps.
best wishes, robdar. nowisee
from al jazeera, are chrsitian evangelists eyeing iraq?
i can only speak about jw but knowing them they don't miss a chance to convert over all those godless heathens: .
are christian evangelists eyeing iraq?.
this is so unfortunate. i often think that more can be accomplished by BEING Christian than PREACHING Christianity.
ever notice that as a general rule there are a few things that most people are categorized as one or the other...... (i know there are exceptions---this is for the majority although i have feeling ya'll are gonna try and prove me wrong on that too .
example....(not saying you can't like both but definately have a preference).
you are usually a cat person or a dog person .
thanks, matty.
i just read that thread and finally found something that francois and i have in common -- anchovies!
well i guess i would try either one, but i don't think i'll run right out for it.
me - cats, beatles & elvis!, chocolate, shower, roger, don't care much for madonna, ......
ever notice that as a general rule there are a few things that most people are categorized as one or the other...... (i know there are exceptions---this is for the majority although i have feeling ya'll are gonna try and prove me wrong on that too .
example....(not saying you can't like both but definately have a preference).
you are usually a cat person or a dog person .
ummm...what is marmite? what is vegemite?
one thing that i am becoming more and more aware of is that jehovah's witnesses can be mighty irritating people.
for example, a few jw's were gossipping about how the elders are stupid and useless.then in the same breath, when someone has a problem, one of them will ask,"why don't you tell the elders about this, so you can get some help?
" or you'll hear people complain about how there's nobody that treats them nice, and yet they are the biggest complainers in the world.
seems so typical, i couldn't stand the gossiping and backbiting and judging and self-righteousness. always talking out of both sides of the mouth....but amazing, they seem to find justification for it all.
ok, advice please.
i just bought a red layered dress.
i don't know how to explain it completely, but it is a red chiffon and a copy of a very famous german styler.
the real question is not what should you wear....but will you partake?????