This really is confusing to me. JWs, who are reported here to see small, everyday events, as proof we are in the end times, saw something that looked a lot like a Watchtower illustration on the news and just shrugged? Really?
And you're absolutely right, Tha Don. I do see JWs different from non-JWs in this respect: they say they live in happy anticipation of armageddon!
So when the Watchtower started hinting that the end would come in 1975 all sorts of people made drastic changes in their lives to prepare. But when they turned on their tvs and saw armageddon just as the Watchtower has depicted it for years, they didn't react?
JoinedPosts by kgfreeperson
JWs and 9/11
by kgfreeperson ini couldn't find anything using search, so maybe somebody just needs to point me in the right direction.
but i don't remember any discussion about what jws thought was happening when planes started flying into buildings and the hysteria in the nation began to build.
i do know about the reaction of the watchtower, locking their doors against people in need.
JWs and 9/11
by kgfreeperson ini couldn't find anything using search, so maybe somebody just needs to point me in the right direction.
but i don't remember any discussion about what jws thought was happening when planes started flying into buildings and the hysteria in the nation began to build.
i do know about the reaction of the watchtower, locking their doors against people in need.
I couldn't find anything using search, so maybe somebody just needs to point me in the right direction.
But I don't remember any discussion about what JWs thought was happening when planes started flying into buildings and the hysteria in the nation began to build. I do know about the reaction of the Watchtower, locking their doors against people in need. I can't imagine that believers weren't convinced that this was it--armageddon had arrived. Did they? What was the reaction in Awake, The Watchtower and Kingdom Ministry? How were elders advised to handle questions from their flock?
Thanks. -
I thought I'd share a bit of the book I'm reading...
by Surreptitious in"i'll be honest about it.
it is not atheists who get stuck in my craw, but agnostics.
doubt is useful for a while.
Life of Pi is one of those books that leaves you cold or is absolutely enthralling. I'm in the latter category. The quoted passage has quite a different feel when read in context (surprise!) The speaker is a young boy whose parents were absolute rationalists, but who was drawn to all religions. He made whole-soul commitments to every religion he discovered. If I recall correctly, he was seeking connection to the mystery of life and found it in all those religions.
I really loved that book. -
I was interested that Polidoro dismissed the assaults as "parishioner on parishioner." Since when do JWs refer to each other as parishioners?
It's making a difference.....
by undercover inthe nightmare of the wts is, more than ever, becoming a reality and is making a difference in how people research about the teachings and history of jws.
i'm speaking, of course, about the internet.. they call the period that we are living in the information age and that is more apparent with each passing day.
have you noticed how many new people are showing up at just this one site and saying they are leaving the jws because of the lies or saying they have been contacted by jws and maybe even studied and want to learn what they aren't telling?
Well, darn! My point was that Jerry Bergman's article, talking about there are now more people who have left the Watchtower than who remain loyal, seems to be from 1984 (all the citations were from 1984). So, like, don't hold your breath!
It's making a difference.....
by undercover inthe nightmare of the wts is, more than ever, becoming a reality and is making a difference in how people research about the teachings and history of jws.
i'm speaking, of course, about the internet.. they call the period that we are living in the information age and that is more apparent with each passing day.
have you noticed how many new people are showing up at just this one site and saying they are leaving the jws because of the lies or saying they have been contacted by jws and maybe even studied and want to learn what they aren't telling?
In another thread, shamus posted a link to an article by Jerry Bergman
WT 2003 CDROM - User agreement!
by qwerty injust borrowed a wtcd from a friend................ i carn't believe a "non" profit organisation can do this or rather put restrictions on the the coping of the wt cdrom.
isn't there literature distributed free?
then why is make the copying of the wt library for the benefit of declaring the "truth" wrong!
It also makes it very easy to compare the printed copies with the CD looking for discrepencies. And, of course, it makes beans work much easier!
We finally saw Fahrenheit 9/11
by Mulan indave got home early on wednesday so we hustled off to the afternoon showing.
(cheaper seats).
it was amazing...................very compelling, and thought provoking.. one of the most upsetting things was towards the end when he revealed that of all 96 (not sure of that number) members of congress (senate and house) only 1 member had a child in the military, actively serving.
Casseline--you're talking about Bob Kerrey, not John Kerry. A common mistake, but a mistake nonetheless.
The New Brochure - What are they thinking?
by czarofmischief inlet me just start off by saying that my mother asked me to read the new brochure.
she said, "i expect you will be critical of it.".
i said, "mercilessly so.
Hmmm. Wasn't the influenza epidemic in 1918--at the close of the war?
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