When is the next one coming up (she asks with dread) and why are you instructed to leave literature where a passer-by can't see it?
JoinedPosts by kgfreeperson
What Did you Plan On Doing In The New System?
by minimus inevery child and bible student was told about how wonderful the "new system" was going to be.
"and what animal do you want to have in the new system?
"......that was a very typical question.
Part of the problem is, when you ask yourself, what would your life be like if it were just the way you want it, you may start out with non-stop sex and beer, but you recognize that if that were actually your life you'd be unhappy pretty soon (even 50 years is pretty soon if you're going to live forever!) and most of us get happiness from solving problems and helping other people (which means, of course, that other people need help). The JW paradise includes doing work apparently which, I guess, is recognizing that people need something to do. But what kind of paradise requires work? Isn't everything supposed to be perfect? What kind of work did Adam and Eve do?
Oh, man, that's pretty obvious, isn't it. People coming back to the hall with material they've gotten from studies or others with questions; elders forwarding it to HQ; HQ going ballistic! Surely all it means is that those who stay in are more and more committed to believing whatever they are told.
the latest discussion between the wife & I
by Winston Smith :>D in.
edited to keep private in case is ever read in future by wife who escaped the borg .
pm me if interested in offering advice.
I didn't get here in time to read your post, Paul, but I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping for the best.
Witnesses coming Saturday... I need HELP!!!!
by Globetrotter ini got into a rather heated discussion this morning with my unbaptised but raised jehovah's witness wife.
we discussed so many things: feb 1 watchtower article on 607 and 1914, the un, beth sarim, blood, god's mouthpiece here on earth, etc.
this was yet another attempt on my part to try to plant a seed of doubt.
But that doesn't change the pressure they are likely to put on his wife. I'm wondering if conversations such as this aren't the reason that so many JWs are able to fade. Sending the faithful into this kind of discussion has got to have ramifications! I hope the ramifications this time is that there are three less JWs within the year!!
Good description of the JWs
by drwtsn32 inat first glance, jehovah's witnesses seem to be the model of religious democracy.. [...] .
however, in reality the watchtower society is an absolute autocracy.
all authority is vested in the governing body, including the authority to understand and teach the bible.. [...] .
My friend gave me a Watchtower book and I promised to read it if he read Elaine Pagels or Karen Armstrong. He threw up his hands and said "I don't read anything I don't have ot." At the time, I thought it was odd, but I did know he did not read for pleasure. Sigh. Now I know the truth and it saddens me greatly. What intellectual curiosity he ever had was quashed by the organization very effectively at an early age. Oh, well. I'm not going to change that so I try not to obsess!
This year's flu has been very hard on people--hope you're better soon!
any movies with prominent JW characters?
by Azalo inive seen the one with kevin costner.
"perfect world" i think, any others?
Not movies, but I notice that Garrison Keilor has made three or four mentions of JWs in the past year or so. Two I remember: last week in a skit, someone was saying "you know, when you rush to the door 'cause you think it's Federal Express and it's a Jehovah's Witness?" and once he mentioned something about two classes or two tiers in the after-life. Maybe I'm just more attuned now.
Interview With Jehovah!!!
by dh in.
this interview has been floating around on the net for years, i just looked it up while trying to find something for another thread i posted.. interview with jehovah, hehe.. dh'.
I must admit I didn't find this funny because I think it presents a believable portrait of the god of the Bible. That is my major problem with religion--the attempt to portray god as loving, wise, etc. I mean, if you behave the way you do because you can see what a horror god is and you are hoping to escape his notice or disfavor, that's one thing. I can respect that. But if you read the Bible, and read about all the killing and raping and scourges sent upon the earth by god and turn around and convince yourself that god is loving and cares for you as an individual and watches out for you as an individual . . . ., well, that is incomprehensible to me. You know, the Bible might be right. If it is, god must be pretty much as portrayed here. So, you know, why bother. And I understand that people find it offensive, but I really don't understand why. The portrayal is, after all, based on the Bible, isn't it?
How Mormons deal with "apostate literature"
by Dogpatch intips to keep your testimony from toppling.
by joni hilton
?the reason people fall out of the church is the same reason they fall out of bed: they?re not in properly!?
This is only tangentially apropos, but I was browsing in a bookstore recently and started to look through "The Kingdom of the Cults." I skimmed through the section on JWs and it seemed to agree with all I had learned hear. I was amused to see Unitarian Universalism included in the list. Guess it doesn't have to be high control to be considered a cult. One of the reviewers on Amazon pointed out that until Roman Catholicism was included, "The Kingdom of the Cults" couldn't be considered a definitive resource!