The WTBS had a banner up several years ago saying "Make Sure of All Things, Hold Fast To What Is Fine".
I took them up on this and ended up disfellowshipped.
(And now I'm holding fast to what is fine)
fact that :
people accept many religious doctrines without testing them
there is nothing to fear by proving our beliefs by the only standard
The WTBS had a banner up several years ago saying "Make Sure of All Things, Hold Fast To What Is Fine".
I took them up on this and ended up disfellowshipped.
(And now I'm holding fast to what is fine)
are witnesses really zealous?
they certainly claim to be.
they "turn in" field service reports month by month claiming.
Some of the men are zealous about counting as much time as they can so they look good to the higher ups. Perhaps they can get a coveted elder position offered to them, or should I say, invitation to the club?
I do believe there are many who truly are zealous, only misguided.
it is so sad when i read threads of persons finding their in a cult, and want out .problem ,their family will shun them and ignore there own children and close family members.what if things were reversed?
what if the person leaving this cult shunned their loved ones, letting them know they are being brainwashed and you don't want their sick beliefs being pushed on them all over again.
i do believe cult members enjoy shunning , it makes them feel superior and they feel they are taking a strong stand just like the gb says to do .give them a taste of what they dish out ,shun the jw, if they won't convert to using their own mind, shun them with out guilt .
If you shun in reverse, how do you hope to win the person over with love? Perhaps that person may be ready to question why you really left. I say GIVE EM a BIG HUG! Do the Unexpected.
it is so sad when i read threads of persons finding their in a cult, and want out .problem ,their family will shun them and ignore there own children and close family members.what if things were reversed?
what if the person leaving this cult shunned their loved ones, letting them know they are being brainwashed and you don't want their sick beliefs being pushed on them all over again.
i do believe cult members enjoy shunning , it makes them feel superior and they feel they are taking a strong stand just like the gb says to do .give them a taste of what they dish out ,shun the jw, if they won't convert to using their own mind, shun them with out guilt .
If you shun in reverse, how do you hope to win the person over with love? Perhaps that person may be ready to question why you really left. I say GIVE EM a BIG HUG! Do the Unexpected.
for a while now, when someone asks me why jw's don't celebrate birthdays, i tell them the unadulterated truth.
i say that in the bible, 2 pagans celebrated their birthdays and 2 people got killed, and that's why we don't celebrate birthdays.then if someone asks about why we can celebrate anniverseries, i tell them that nobody got killed for celebrating one, so it's up to our conscience.
if someone asks if we take blood transfusions, i say no, but, we will take (and i name the different components) other portions of the blood.
I see nothing wrong about telling the truth. Just don't forget to add...may be subject to change (new light)
many here may recall that the watchtower society has published much material on the prophetic role of the united nations ... specifically, the united nations is the scarlet colored wild beast, the "image" of the worldly 7 headed wild political beast ... it would be given life by the two-horned dual world power of britain and america, the "lamb-like beast spoken of in revelation ... this "image" beast would be given power to rule one prophetic hour over the nations as they subordinate their national sovereignty to it ... and so on ...
then ... after the creation of the united nations in 1945 in san francisco the wts interpreted revelation regarding the demise of the old league of nations to apply to a statement in revelation that this "image" beast would be revived in the form of the united nations ... seemingly, the wts was on to something ... and for the next 45 years (until about 1990) the watchtower published anything and everything they could to make their interpretation stick with respect to how deep in the time of the end they believed we were living in ... then, about 1990, the watchtower society joined the un as a member ngo ... a significant departure from their previous stand on political neutrality ... and ... hatred of satan's old system of things ... certainly, since we are nearly 90 years into the last days of this wicked system we would expect the un to be in control or at least taking the lead ...
so, now ... where do we stand as of march 19th, 2003?
Doesn't matter is the WT is correct with this Prophecy or not. This group of people is sadly lacking in love. That is the most obvious sign this religion is bad news. :-(
it seems to be the opinion of some on this board that elders' kids received special treatment, weren't punished for their wrongdoings, etc.. as the daughter of the po in our small congregation, let me tell you that it was much harder for me than for the kids of those who weren't elders.
our family was expected to be the "model family for displaly purposes" and we were held up to very high standards so that we didn't "stumble" anyone.
at times i wished my dad wasn't an elder so that i could have a bit more freedom.
Actually I believe many JW adolescents led double lives, not just those of the elders. In retrospect, I believe that rebellion was a good thing because those young people used their brains to think. Three of my four children didn't follow the straight and narrow and those three have been able to break free from the JW prison. The oldest and always blindly obedient is still there.
it seems to be the opinion of some on this board that elders' kids received special treatment, weren't punished for their wrongdoings, etc.. as the daughter of the po in our small congregation, let me tell you that it was much harder for me than for the kids of those who weren't elders.
our family was expected to be the "model family for displaly purposes" and we were held up to very high standards so that we didn't "stumble" anyone.
at times i wished my dad wasn't an elder so that i could have a bit more freedom.
I'm glad my ex-husband didn't make it to elder. That was his goal. He was already hard enough on the kids. He tried to make them perfect little adults (to impress the elders) at the meetings by not allowing them to have coloring books, or fall asleep. Those meetings were BORING and I nodded off myself on occasion. Actually, getting back to the subject of Elder's kids, they go both ways, scared to death or rebellious. I feel sad for them :-(
my testimony
by undisfellowshipped ( [email protected] ).
i was born and raised by my parents to believe in the beliefs of the jehovah's witnesses organization.
Wow! you have a lot to say and I certainly understand. You have been given the strength necessary to break free and that took a lot of courage!
I would recommend you now sit (figuratively speaking) in the father's lap and allow him to hold you. Just be quiet for awhile. He loves you so very much! That's something most witnesses don't understand.
Don't forget to pray for those still in the darkness.
this question is not to offend anyone, it's just that i have noticed people have many different reasons for leaving the borg and i thought it would be interesting to find out why some of you left.. for example:some leave because they want to be free to smoke, drink, gamble, fornicate, grow beards, celebrate xmas, take blood and drugs, etc.some leave because they never believed and now are old enough to do as they want.some leave because they have seen that they can be happy living life free from any religious organization, yet still feel safe in god's love.some have been hurt by the borg and have taken their wounds away to lick them, waiting to see justice.some have trusted the borg with their lives, time and money...........only to discover recently that there has been lies, cover-ups and hypocracy in the borg.
now they have left but need to belong to another organization to feel happy.. i left the borg because i found out about the cover-ups and lies.
my family was abused by it, my child was sexually abused and i was df'ed.
Nope, I didn't like their rules...the rules to shun others.....the rules to keep quiet about wrongdoing and wrong teaching....the rules to not think and analyze what the scriptures really say......the list could go on. I especially didn't like the way they were always ragging on "worldly" people. Jesus didn't act like that.