I would have been Mormon, it was a family thing and my dad liked it a lot. I really like Catholics though and Greek Orthodox. For now I’m just going to go church hopping.
JoinedPosts by Vash_The_Stampede_13
If You Never Were a JW What Religion Would You Have Been?
by minimus inpersonally, i find catholicism too weird and if followed properly, just another "cult".
if i was not raised as a witness, i probably would have been a "home baptist" or something like that.
what do you think you would have been, religiously speaking, if you were not first a witness?
Those "secret files" the elders kept on each & every one of us?
by FreeofGuilt ini have been out of the cult jw religion for 3 yrs now, but i need some help/suggestions, please.
i am not disfellowshipped, but i simply became "inactive" after i left home & got married... i was "publicly reproved" once, & was wondering about those "secret files" they have kept on me.
if you have ever been in the "back room" then you know what i am talking about.
Have you noticed anything fishy about the inspection teams who have
Arrived In Iraq? They're all men! How in the name of the United Nations does anyone
expect men to find Saddam's stash? We all know that men have a blind spot
when it comes finding things. For crying' out loud! Men can't find the
Dirty Clothes hamper. Men find the jar of jelly until it falls out of the
And splatters on the floor.... and these are the people we have sent
Iraq to search hidden weapons of mass destruction? I keep wondering why
Groups of mothers weren't sent in. Mothers can sniff out secrets
Quicker than
A drug dog can find a gram of dope. Mothers can find gin bottles that
Have stashed in the attic beneath the rafters. They can sniff out a
Diary two
Rooms and one floor away. They can tell when the lid of a cookie jar
Has been
Disturbed and notice when a quarter inch slice has been shaved off a
Chocolate cake. A mother can smell alcohol on your breath before you
Get your
Key in the front door and can smell cigarette smoke from a block away.
Examining laundry, a mother knows more about their kids than Sherlock
And if a mother wants an answer to a question, she can read an
Eyes quicker than a homicide detective. So... considering the value a
Could bring to an inspection team, are we sending a bunch of old men
Will rely on electronic equipment to scout out hidden threats? My
Would walk in with a wooden soup spoon in one hand, grab Saddam by the
Give it a good twist and snap, "Young man, do you have any weapons of
Destruction?" And God help him if he tried to lie to her. She'd march
Down the street to some secret bunker and shove his nose into a
Nuclear bomb
And say, "Uh, huh, and what do you call this, mister?" Whap! Thump!
Whap! Whap! And she'd lay some stripes across his bare bottom with
Soup spoon, then march him home in front of the whole of Baghdad. He'd
Only come clean and apologize for lying about it, he'd cut every lawn
Baghdad for free for the whole damn summer. Inspectors my butt... You
The job done? Call my mother.I got this in my e-mail box from my Paw Paw. -
14 year old boy weds 42 year old woman
by crownboy in.
quite strange, obviously.. http://www.al.com/news/mobileregister/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/news/104902686758451.xml
This is very wrong, she likes him because he’s fresh. She’s been married before and has children his age for goodness sakes. She’s taking advantage of him. Just think, with states with laws like that my mom could marry me off next year in August on the third. BTW: Something I would particularly not want to do. Wednesday, I would feel the same way, its very eerie, even to marry someone that is of legal age.
Your Friend
Hi - I'm new here
by kaz inhello i'm kaz and i'm new here.. i was a jw for nearly thirty years, i felt like a "lame duck" when i left, but now i have got a life at last!.
i have only just got a computer, so please bear with me - i am learning to type too !!.
the lies going on, the definate lack of love, the treatment paedophiles and their victims, un.
Hi - I'm new here
by kaz inhello i'm kaz and i'm new here.. i was a jw for nearly thirty years, i felt like a "lame duck" when i left, but now i have got a life at last!.
i have only just got a computer, so please bear with me - i am learning to type too !!.
the lies going on, the definate lack of love, the treatment paedophiles and their victims, un.
Thanks, I've been trying to figure that one out.
Hi - I'm new here
by kaz inhello i'm kaz and i'm new here.. i was a jw for nearly thirty years, i felt like a "lame duck" when i left, but now i have got a life at last!.
i have only just got a computer, so please bear with me - i am learning to type too !!.
the lies going on, the definate lack of love, the treatment paedophiles and their victims, un.
Hi - I'm new here
by kaz inhello i'm kaz and i'm new here.. i was a jw for nearly thirty years, i felt like a "lame duck" when i left, but now i have got a life at last!.
i have only just got a computer, so please bear with me - i am learning to type too !!.
the lies going on, the definate lack of love, the treatment paedophiles and their victims, un.
Jesus Disfellowshipped?
by shamus indid you know, for those of you who try to talk us back into your "religion" that you are assosiating with apostates????
did you know that you are going to die at armageddon for questioning the wts and coming to this website?????.
you can either confess your sins to your elders, and live, or keep quiet, and die.
He was considered bad association in Biblical times. People in Biblical times were scared to talk to Jesus in case they were expelled from the synagogue. I'm using the New World Translation I can't find the other Bible.
"John 9:22" "His Parents Said These Things Because They Were In Fear Of The Jews, For The Jews Had Already Come To An Agreement That, If Anyone Confessed Him As The Christ, He Should Get Expelled From The Synagogue"
"John 12:42" "All The Same, Many Even Of The Rulers Actually Put Faith In Him, But Because Of The Pharisees They Would Not Confess Him, In Order Not To Be Expelled From The Synagogue"
Your Friend
Vash The Stampede