I am also confused about the current understanding. I think it's suppose to be as "hoser" described, but the article also referred to the apostles as "Spirit-Anointed Christians"...so wouldn't that designate them as the FDS? Or is there suppose to be a difference in the usage of the word "anointed" in "spirit-anointed Christians" back then compared to the present day reference to the "anointed"?
JoinedPosts by KiddingMe
Apostles were first governing body????
by NeverKnew inand paul was not a part of the governing body????
am i hearing this correctly or are these people making things up?.
Adjustments In Understanding--2013/7/15/Watchtower!
by Atlantis inthis file is being passed around by jehovah's witnesses concerning adjustments in understanding the 2013/7/15/watchtower.
the first draft they prepared had a typing error, and nevada sent the draft back to the jws for correction.
they corrected the typing error and sent it back to nevada.
Public Talk Outline No. 187 (2014 special talk)
by pixel inyou read it here first:.
why would a loving god permit wickedness?.
note to the speaker:.
Who left or got stumbled over the 1995 generation thing?
by Julia Orwell inor the 2000's generation thing?.
how did you feel?
how did it help you wake up?
Letter to BOE re: baptism of my minor children
by Michelle365 inok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
Great letter! Marked
Former L T Elder- Head Quarters & Great Tribulation
by James Jackson inthe local needs talk this week was about helping with the building project in warick new york.
the speaker said twice that project was for building the "world head quarters"!
then he added twice; that the "great tribulation" cannot start to after the "world head quarters" is built!
James if what your speaker said is true, then I guess we can count on the GT starting sometime after 2017 since that's how long our speaker said this project is going to take at a miniumum.
Therefore @ Iamallcool- "that gives me more time to party with women" You may want to stop partying with women around 2016 since it takes about year for you to become repentant. lol
Our speaker did not mention this either- "if you don't have construction skills to assist the project, each publisher can support the project with funds." There was no mention of funds or financial support requested.
Our speaker did say that those wanting to volunteer over a year would not fill out the temporary application but an application to become a member of the bethel family.
Searching for Watchtower about working for / with disfellowshipped person
by confusedandalone inevening,.
i wanted to know if anyone knows which watchtower articles speak about working with or for a disfellowshipped person.
it would appear that there is now a huge witch hunt regarding this because of my recent situation.
Problemaddic has got a point about the elder that got them the interview. Make this statement from him a matter of record too:
"My Brother you should really think about what you are doing here... the same way Jehovah blessed you with all you have he can definitely take it away..."
He (and whoever else suggested it) knew your situation when they approached you about a month ago to give them a job, as a matter of fact this was his way of offering you an opportunity to regain some of your joy by assisting others. He threatens that Jah will take your blessings away if you do not help. Then you decide to help (not because of the threat, but because the candidate was sufficiently qualified) and now they want to "take your blessings away" by being the conscience police for your JW staff. Where was this conscience police when he called you a month ago? Haven't that much changed from your standpoint.
You can't win for losing, damned if you don't, damned if you do.
Searching for Watchtower about working for / with disfellowshipped person
by confusedandalone inevening,.
i wanted to know if anyone knows which watchtower articles speak about working with or for a disfellowshipped person.
it would appear that there is now a huge witch hunt regarding this because of my recent situation.
A bit older but found another one.
***w 52 12/1 p. 735 Questions From Readers***
Is it proper for a Christian witness of Jehovah to have business relationships with one who has been disfellowshiped?—F.G.,California.
The circumstances of each case might influence the answer. Generally speaking, it would be desirable for us to have no contact with disfellowshiped persons, either in business or in social and spiritual ways. If it is possible to make new business connections relative to employer, employee, the acquiring of raw materials or the performance of needed services, and so forth, it would be advisable to do so. However, if circumstances do not allow for this as you continue to make necessary provision for yourself or family in a material way, then you may decide to continue the business contact with a disfellowshiped person. But if you deem this necessary, you must be very careful to see to it that you do not associate with the ousted one and do not discuss spiritual matters with him. Always bear in mind that our spiritual interests are of far greater concern to us than material interests, and follow closely the recommendations of the congregation regarding one who has been disfellowshiped. We safeguard not only our own personal spiritual interests by so doing, but also those of our brothers, and especially those of weaker ones or new ones who might be easily stumbled by our contact with disfellowshiped persons.
Searching for Watchtower about working for / with disfellowshipped person
by confusedandalone inevening,.
i wanted to know if anyone knows which watchtower articles speak about working with or for a disfellowshipped person.
it would appear that there is now a huge witch hunt regarding this because of my recent situation.
My interpretation--
"financially obliged to continue the business relationship for the present" --this statement makes it a conscience matter, determined by the non DF'd/DA'd party's sense of financial obligation. Notice it doesn't necessarily require the two parties to be "financially obliged" to each other but only "financially obliged to the continue the business relationship". There are numerous reasons to feel this way i.e. to pay your monthly bills, child support, to help fund the Worldwide Work. There could be a sense of financial obligation because of the amount of time and money invested into the company or important relationships with clients that may affect the company bottom line--No one can define this but the employee and employer.
So according to the article above, the 2 reasons in which one can remain in a business relationship with a DF'd/DA'd person is 1) contractually obliged or 2) financially obliged (for whatever reason). Only the person (or head of thier household) the other person in the business relationship can determine when they are no longer financially obliged. I may feel financially obliged to work for your company for the rest of my life, someone else may not. You may feel financially obliged to keep a DF'd employee on staff because you've invested a lot in them, someone else may not.
Anyone else pursuing this is imposing their own conscience on the matter and we are informed that, "those of us with a more restrictive conscience should not be critical of others, insisting that all view matters of conscience just as they do (Romans 14:10) Really, the conscience is best used as an internal judge, not a license to judge others. Remember Jesus' words: "Stop judging that you may not be judged."(Mathew 7:1) All in the congregation want to avoid making an issue of personal matters of conscience. Instead, we seek ways to promote love and unity, building one another up, not tearing one another down." Romans 14 :19---lv chap. 2 pp. 20-21 par. 16.
I agree with Zound that the wording "for the present" is there to imply or pressure a person to feel that as soon as they are no longer "contractually or financially obliged" they need to terminate the business relationship. Still there is no set timeframe stated nor does it forbid.There is a lot of implying going on but the only consequence they set forth is "you certainly would now have a different attitude toward the disfellowshiped individual."
The way the section is worded, it would require alot for the WT to be held responsible for anything legally, but the local elders or any persons imposing their conscience, that another story. They are taking it to another level.
I know a C.O.B.E. that currently employ a couple of DF'd persons. One has been DF'd for about 10 years and the is DF'd for the second time. It's got to be a conscience matter or he we not still be considered a fine example for the congregation he presides over.
"You knew what the consequences were when YOU decided to leave The Truth. This is YOUR decision and the outcome is YOUR responsibility."
by nicolaou inhow many of us have had to deal with a version of that retort?!
it's hurtful and i suspect - for some - that's partly because of the nagging feeling that our families may have a point.. but do they?.
i was 15 when i got baptised, is it reasonable that as the 50 year old man i'll be on my next birthday i continue to be held to a decision i made as a schoolboy?.
The consequences were not clear to me either when I was baptized. I remember the same as a previos poster, about the dog returning to his vomit but nothing about if you just wanted to leave.
Even, recently, an elder mentioned in his part something like- people say they can't leave, how untrue, no one is keeping them, they are free to go, just write a letter.
It's not that simple and gives a false impression to bible studies or young ones in the audience that do not know the consequences of writing that letter.
On top of that the pressure on young ones to not put off getting baptized because they are afraid they may do something wrong. They make it seem like that is not a valid concern and that the young one is either planning on doing something wrong or lacking faith somehow.