Thanks! Marked.
JoinedPosts by KiddingMe
The Judicial Committee videos in english
by confusedandalone innot sure if this has been posted but the jwsurvey site received the videos in english from someone.. this crap is pathetic to watch.
how to counsel someone who is suicidal... really.
New congregation accounting system
by thedog1 ini'm sure i read a thread here about the new congregation accounting procedures.
i ask because i handle the accounts in our cong and in our part of the world the new accounting system has just arrived whereby local congs do not have their own account any longer, but all funds outside of basic monthly costs is forwarded to an account controlled by the org.
this is causing huge confusion in our cong as we have to work out how much we need to keep back for monthly costs and the new idea is that you send all your extra cash to the org and if you need it back you can ask for it but we don't know how easy or hard it would be to do that.
EldersÂ’ School 2013: Model Judicial Committee Videos and messages from the GB
by hildebrando infor the first time, weve accessed to audiovisual material in spanish, regarding the elders schools.
here is a video of a dramatization of a model judicial committee, in addition to letts introduction (speaking with strange gestures) and comments from anthony morris iii:.
Best "wake-up-call"-arguments?!
by Mr Fool inhi everyone .
it was not my intention to write here anymore, but i found things that caught my interest, things that i feel to share in the hope of someone finds it interesting.. the core is that the wt surprisingly admits that what "we" believe in, is after all, only opinions (awake 2000 june 22 page9-11 "do not be a victim of propaganda).. anyone with a scan of thiese pages would make my day ;-) the questions/arguments below are built around this:.
feel free to find better arguments ;-).
Great points! Marked
War over preparing for WT study
by cookiemaster ini know that title sounds weird but so is this situation.
with the following information i'm about to desconspire myself a little bit, but i don't really care since i will simply deny it if any of my elders are lurking here.
anyway the situation is the following.
How about underlining the entire WT study? Whatis he going to say underlined too many sentences? Then ask how many sentences are suitable to help him determine whether or not you studied for the WT study.
Should I allow my mom to see the grandchildren?
by confusedandalone inso i am not officially da/do yet and my family has shunned me hard.
today crying my mother calls me to beg to see my children... should i let her?
i feel that if you can speak abusive of your own son and wife and shun the.
She does not want this since I am known to be in opposition to the WTBTS.
Who made this "known"? She, your dad, brother, other JWs stirring the rumor mill? If I remember correctly, the local elders were leaving you alone. They were the ones forcing the local elder's hand on this to get the ball rolling. It's not like you were out actively waging war against the WBTS, picketing in front of the KH. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you are in opposition to it.
As a pioneer what type of examnple would she be setting if she decides to go against the rules that we have in place?
What rules? You are not DF/DA or marked! Anything else is a result of their own personal judgments. Which is not their place! If you were really a threat to the WTBTS, they or Jehovah would've made sure that you were DF by now. So where did she get these rules? Is it in the elders handbook? Do they relate to family? If so, doesn't she owe it to herself and grand kids to see them for herself?
CAA, things like this should be addressed when she makes these type statements, in the most mild, respectful way possible. Not because you really want the answer or to press the issue, but to trigger some cognitive dissonance in her. They walk around on their high horse like they have no part in this. They should not be able to live guilt free shifting everything on you. Although they will, it should not be easy for them. They raised you in this religion and wouldn't allow you to leave in a dignified manner. Now they're going to most likely blame you for keeping their grand kids away. They can't have it both ways And not share the blame.
I'm so sorry what you and your family are going through and how this religion does tears them apart.
"Apostate" Letter Writing
by kneehighmiah induring these cold months i need a way to keep my hours up and stay under the radar.
i'm still an ms so i can't totally fake it.
so i decided to try letter writing to avoid going out into the cold.
There's a slight risk that when "apostate" letter writing, if you were to include any personal information, the receiver may know a JW (family, friend, coworker, etc) or show one that comes to the door the letter they received. This could expose you.
Child intimidated into no sports activities- suggestions please
by 4thgen inmy ex is an active witness.
i've been endeavoring to socialize my child ad best as possible.
he loves sports in school, but has been intimidated by his father that after school activities are evil.
Just thinking, the fact that you have full custody gives you an advantage here. Unless there's some type of parenting agreement with regard to school activities, your ex is going to need to be more respectful of activities your son is involved in while under your care. This includes guilting him or transferring his personal opinions onto your son. Things are different now than when you all were married. It's in his best interest to be reasonable if he doesn't want it to affect his relationship with his son.
How many JWs have unbelieving mates, and their children are involved in school activities or sports? There's an elder who's son is a professional athlete, his wife is an unbeliever, so the door was open to allow sports. He supports his child to this day attending events as his schedule allows. Dad is a very humble man and you wouldn't know it if you didn't know him personally but those that know him know how proud he is of his child. But at the same time if it were up to his religious believes it may not have happen. Its the same concept now that you are divorced, there must be a compromise, in the best interest of the child. I know it sounds easier than it is but sometimes JWs need an out to allow themselves (their conscience) to be okay with the situation. I'm not implying your an unbeliever, but it's the same in the sense that you may have to take a stand (without jeopardizing your son's trust) like some unbelievers have in this situation.
Can you have a conversation with dad realigning boundaries? Is he reasonable? If so, you could say something like, "you know how much "child name" likes "whatever activities" I sense that he is hesitant in exploring this because he may worry about how you will feel about it. I know you don't agree with it personally and you should know that if he does this, it's not a reflection on you since I have full custody. My concern is that you both have the best relationship and that "child name" understands from you that whether or not he does this he has your unconditional love. "
if you could work on something like this, in addition to addressing your son's fear, maybe it will help ease things up. If you do, it's very important to be careful how you address the situation to dad so as to not put your son in the middle. Wishing you all the best.
Child intimidated into no sports activities- suggestions please
by 4thgen inmy ex is an active witness.
i've been endeavoring to socialize my child ad best as possible.
he loves sports in school, but has been intimidated by his father that after school activities are evil.
You will need to help your son to understand that after school activities are not evil. If sports are evil, then why do JWs watch them? So it's important to help him to understand that his dad and JWs view them as evil because they fear the bad association and interference with service to Jah, etc. Help him to see that all non-JWs are not bad association and that whether he is involved in after school activities or not he will need to strive to avoid what is really considered to be "bad association".
I agree with your concern and the structured environment. My child loves sports. I've seen good results from his involvment. He currently holds 3.5 gpa in honors classes, but was borderline before with failing grades. The coach requires biweekly progress reports with 2.5 or better and no failing grades in order to play. They sign a contract, no alcohol, no drugs, proper use of social network. He is too tired after practice to go hang out in the streets like he used to. Children get board easily and will find something to get into good or bad. There are at least 8 other JWs attending his school. I try to help him to understand the JW view of sports and that he must have respect and use discretion so as to not rub it in their face but at the same time, this is a personal decision that we have made and that he is not doing anything wrong, as long as he stays out of trouble.
i hope the best for your son and that he's able to decide for himself instead of being intimidated with some imaginary "evil".
My Son has had two very big University interviews
by CaptainSchmideo inone for mit last month, and one for princeton tonight.. if i told this to people at my old hall, i am sure the reaction would be the same as if i broke a big, noisy windblast in front of them.. but i have to brag about it to someone, so, i will do it here.. .
we will not know anything about whether he is going to be accepted for a couple of months yet, but, as they say, this $%^# just got real!.
Congratulations to you and your son!