Konceptual99, I'm thinking along the same lines. I've been dreading every time my husband wants to view these broadcasts for family worship. Last week we watched Morris rant on higher education. I was anxious about how it would go over but we had a similar response.
Like you, I'm going to embrace it and use it to my advantage, especially after seeing the cart video. My husband suggested we watch another broadcast this week. So I asked if the February broadcast is out yet? I'm uncomfortable with the application for college vs pioneer scene. But I'll make some type of comment or joke about the children living and depending on us the rest of their life while pioneering. I don't think my husband or the kids will like that thought.
There is a fine line working through this. Sometimes less is more, so I will try to keep my comments to a minimum, plus I don't want to get carried away and say something way off. I'll try to be selective on the best broadcast to bring out the GB weirdness or unrealistic themes. I think even at a certain point, I will point out how it feels like we've taken most our focus off of the bible and onto the GB or tv.jw, then I'll see how that goes.