"Faithful and discreet slave"
joanne's amazing anagrams!
one of the things that helped joanne cope with being brought up in a religious cult, was her fantastic sense of humour and her love of reading.
joanne told me that she and a friend used to be so board during the meetings, they would play word games just to pass the time.
"Faithful and discreet slave"
*watery eyes from laughing*.
omg, remember i went to the hall for the magazines.
Viv, you Jezebel!
for a few weeks now i have wondered if my supervisor has been avoiding eating with me.
sometimes i will go out for lunch with a few coworkers and my supervisor will always decline the invitation.. today i caught them leaving for lunch without me.
i know it is unreasonable to expect to be invited with every single group that goes out... but when i looked at my supervisor while he was leaving he gave me the "deer in the headlights" look.
As your supervisor, he'd be responsible for progress and performance reports on you.
Exactly. Would he feel pressure from others in the congregation to "punish" you by not saying anything positive about your work performance? It seems to be the unspoken rule that the end justifies the means... theocratic warfare, so to speak... anything to keep you in line or coerce you back to the flock.
for a few weeks now i have wondered if my supervisor has been avoiding eating with me.
sometimes i will go out for lunch with a few coworkers and my supervisor will always decline the invitation.. today i caught them leaving for lunch without me.
i know it is unreasonable to expect to be invited with every single group that goes out... but when i looked at my supervisor while he was leaving he gave me the "deer in the headlights" look.
Keep lots and lots of notes, Elsewhere. It is against the law for him to discriminate against you in the workplace on a religious basis. What has happened so far doesn't rise to the level of discrimination, but it wouldn't hurt to make notes of dates and times things like this happen... you never know if you will need to build a case against him later on.
if you are a product of the 60's, witnessed the plaid pants in the 70's, loved the 80's and forget why the 90's happened check in here!.
yes i was born in 1968!.
I'm a Leo - 1968.
i hope you all remember me...a few months back i wrote and said that my husband who is a jw...a very passive agressive jw...told me i was satan's minion and that my literature on the shelf had demons that were attacking his jw literature and he moved all of his literature to our bedroom floor.
he also said that my activities online were going directly against jehovah and that it was destroying our marriage.
being as we have three young kids, and he wasnt going to meetings much anyway...i decided it would be a small thing for me to give up my online persona and remove my literature to save the marriage.
Estee - you are EXACTLY RIGHT! My ex is basking in the glow of communal pity as we speak.
joanne's amazing anagrams!
one of the things that helped joanne cope with being brought up in a religious cult, was her fantastic sense of humour and her love of reading.
joanne told me that she and a friend used to be so board during the meetings, they would play word games just to pass the time.
Faithful and discreet slave
i hope you all remember me...a few months back i wrote and said that my husband who is a jw...a very passive agressive jw...told me i was satan's minion and that my literature on the shelf had demons that were attacking his jw literature and he moved all of his literature to our bedroom floor.
he also said that my activities online were going directly against jehovah and that it was destroying our marriage.
being as we have three young kids, and he wasnt going to meetings much anyway...i decided it would be a small thing for me to give up my online persona and remove my literature to save the marriage.
LovesDubs, take a look at my "Revenge" thread. Lots of good ideas here!
i hope you all remember me...a few months back i wrote and said that my husband who is a jw...a very passive agressive jw...told me i was satan's minion and that my literature on the shelf had demons that were attacking his jw literature and he moved all of his literature to our bedroom floor.
he also said that my activities online were going directly against jehovah and that it was destroying our marriage.
being as we have three young kids, and he wasnt going to meetings much anyway...i decided it would be a small thing for me to give up my online persona and remove my literature to save the marriage.
Any chance of getting him into counseling?
Don't count on it. I begged for counseling, and the following people advised him against it: all the elders, his JW mother, his JW father and several "brothers" in the congregation.
(Sorry... I just can't seem to stay out of this thread!)
i hope you all remember me...a few months back i wrote and said that my husband who is a jw...a very passive agressive jw...told me i was satan's minion and that my literature on the shelf had demons that were attacking his jw literature and he moved all of his literature to our bedroom floor.
he also said that my activities online were going directly against jehovah and that it was destroying our marriage.
being as we have three young kids, and he wasnt going to meetings much anyway...i decided it would be a small thing for me to give up my online persona and remove my literature to save the marriage.
and the condescending attitude and the sneaking around with my kids and just disappearing and going to the meetings without saying a word. Its all sneaky underhanded bullsh*t,,,
Apparently they teach a class on this. This is the same MO my ex used. I always felt like I was fighting an ARMY!