Funny, but to me it seems like two entities:
God = Kind, loving, caring, good
Jehovah = one mean, hateful son-of-a-bitch
can we still call god, jehovah.
ok stupid question but i really want to know
Funny, but to me it seems like two entities:
God = Kind, loving, caring, good
Jehovah = one mean, hateful son-of-a-bitch
i was lurking at beliefnet "learn about jehovah's witnesses"... here's a response to a question i'm sure you'll all enjoy!.
"3. what social systems do the jw have?
like support systems.".
The elders DISCOURAGED my ex from going to marriage counseling. His mother explained that "most counselors only think the Bible is a good book, but we believe it is the absolute authority, blah, blah, blah, blah..." They also didn't do one freaking thing to try to help save our marriage. It's just as well.... somehow I don't know how the lawnmower repair guy, glass factory worker, elders could have helped.
i was interested in two articles in the watchtower of october 15th 2003.
both articles give an insight into decision making as a jehovah?s witness.
i found the juxtaposition of them quite interesting!
My ex is 42 years old and still couldn't make a decision on his own if his life depended on it! read this thread.. .
made me spew.
brought to you by....
WTF is up with that mutant cat? If this picture is drawn to scale, his tail is about five freaking feet long! Maybe the couple is "going where the need is greater" - - houses built on top of a nuclear waste disposal site???
sorry if this is a sad question, but i know of 3 jw's that have suicided.
i haven't known any personally, but i was wondered if you know any or know of any jw's that have suiced?
and do you know the reason why?
Just last year, here in my ex's congregation. The Brother was in his late thirties, hanged himself, leaving behind a wife and four small children.
since it's the weekend, i'm thinking of trying some new drinks.
i'll be in new york city on sunday, too, so i want to know what you enjoy so that i can think of you while i'm away.
If you're going to New York, try a Manhattan.
does anyone remember a watchtower saying that costume parties were inappropriate for christians?
i seem to remember that they were labeled in the "deamon" category, even if you had one and it had nothing to do with halloween.. is this true?
does anyone remember this crap?
The Writing Department guys seem to have perpetual hard-ons, no matter what the topic.
i guess because there are so few brothers in the congregations, sisters start writing to brothers that are in prison.
in prison, these ne'er do wells have no bills, no job to commute to, 3 meals, a bed, free medical insurance and loads of time to read the bible and the wts publications.
oh my, kinda like bethel.
I think in reality conjugal visits are a thing of the past. There may be a few exceptions, but I think this is mainly a "movie" concept.
since so many of us here are having some bad times lately, i thought i would start a thread, just to let off some steam!
you know that new labor law?
the one that allows businesses to not pay overtime?
It is true that in the private sector, most states prohibit "comp time." However, this only applies if the time off is given in a different week than the overtime worked. For the most part, it is perfectly legal for employers to require overtime on several days per week, then send employees home early on other days to avoid working over 40 hours in that week.
comments you will not hear at the 11-02-03 wt study
review comments will be in black and parentheses ()
wt quotes will be in
First of all, I always hated the concept that God is so demanding. If he can read what is in our hearts and minds, why is kneeling in prayer so important?
Also, prayer in itself seems selfish. There are wars raging in third-world countries, people starving every day, children everywhere are suffering at the hands of abusers - - yet, I'm supposed to ask God to take time out of his busy day to help me feel better because I didn't get the promotion I wanted, etc. Utter bullsh-t.