Welcome Walter from Tim's Board.
JoinedPosts by Mystery
Hi Everyone!
by iiz2cool ini'm walter and i live in toronto, canada.
i heard about this board from people on another board i post to, so i thought i'd stop in and introduce myself.. .
I found my best friend in the JW org
by Freedomrules ini owe my life to a woman named alle, who is my best friend in the whole wide world.
when i was 14, the wife of one of the elders in my congregation decided she should study with me (i was 15 when i baptized) and this woman used to warn me about a sister in a neighboring congregation who was demonized (despite being a regular pioneer), telling me to stay away from her.
the sister in the neighboring cong was alle.
Everyone needs an Alle.
Back to the Basics
by Mystery inif for the most part others are done with their arguing i have a sincere question.
my family has been going to a church for about a year.
for awhile it was every sunday, until i found and began reading this forum.
Aztec – my boys are 14 & 15. We have gone to many churches. I wanted to expose them to the different cultures. My family (parents – most of mom’s side; sister and sister-in-law) are all JW’s.
My x is Baptist. So they are exposed to that as well. The boys grew up knowing what they could and couldn’t talk about around my family. They watched me put things away in our house when they came to visit. (Boy Scout metals, etc…) I like you, take action when I see they are doing something they shouldn’t be. I guess it just really irks me when my 15 year old says “you don’t know what you believe; so why should we even go? (to church)”. Especially when he is right!!
James Thomas – I will pick up the book and read it. I have to finish CofC first. I agree with you in that ………..looking for truth in a book, where there is none…… is correct. I don’t think any book will be able to give me that; it is only idea’s and biased knowledge on the part of the author.
I would not believe anyone that told me (again that is) this is THE TRUTH it is all here. I believe in the here and now as well. I do my best not to live my life for what may or may not happen in the future; at least the times I feel like I am beginning to I stop and go back an reflect on the reason that I am doing something, the cause it will have to myself and others, and if it is actually important.
Spending time with my children is very important; it is getting harder and harder to do due to their age. (mom’s just aren’t cool anymore) I guess that is why I feel so desperate now. I don’t know if I have taught them enough about having peace with yourself and your beliefs. Peace with God or another presence or just with yourself. I guess it is just “wanting the best” like every other mother and father does for their children. Not wanting them to grow up as I did fearing everyday that Armageddon would come and I wouldn’t be good enough.
outoftheorg - Thank you. I was a single mom, but my husband came into the boy’s lives when they were 3 & 4 yr. Their step dad. They have more love toward him now than their biological father. He is laid back, soft spoken and isn’t inclined to anger easily, doesn’t get riled up about things, pretty much has a line as far as discipline goes, this is allowed this isn’t and sticks with it. Me, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of him. I guess that is why we go together so well.
He says a lot of the same things you said, actually most of the same things you said. So I guess I need to listen to him a little more huh? I am guilty of feeling that I have failed when they do the “disappointing things”. I know I have done my best. I know my husband has done his best. And we are both good people. I have to let them grow up. Thank you.
Ravyn - ....If you laid a good foundation with your children when they were young children, whether it was JWs or not, that is what will come back to them when the hormones and thrill of adulthood wears off and they need to talk to Higher Being..... I guess it is this hormone thing that has me really going thru a lot of this right now.... them going thru it & as my husband ask me yesterday "are you going thru the "change of life thing...."
Introspection - I am glad parents don't have to have all the answers; because I would have definitly would have failed. ......If you have love for your children, even if they disagree with you at times..... (i don't know how to do the quote thing) this made me laugh ---- IF they Disagree with you --- only about 90% of the time. But everynight I still "tuck them in", give them a kiss and hug and tell them i love them not matter how mad I am at them.
Thank you everyone for all of your concern and advice. I guess we all have 'those days when everything seems like it is falling apart'.
Thank you again. -
Bethel or Bedlam Tour?
by Valis inok i just talked to bethel tours and they have an all expense paid trip and watchtower study to bedlam.
the only price is your sanity.
i already booked my seat and it wouldn't hurt to have some friends along....anyone else need to have a nap, sippy cup and a visit to the nervous hospital?
Anyone else need to have a nap, sippy cup and a visit to the nervous hospital?
If this is included Valis, I will go with you. Especially the last one. -
Back to the Basics
by Mystery inif for the most part others are done with their arguing i have a sincere question.
my family has been going to a church for about a year.
for awhile it was every sunday, until i found and began reading this forum.
I guess seeing who comes out on top (which no one will) is more important than the basic of this website.
More replies are given to "he says; she says" than the basic concept of this forum.
Pretty sad. I guess I just thought finding peace between X-JW's was the ultimate goal.
Our children are just now as important in our opinion of what was meant by whom.
Thank you Simon and outoftheorg, you gave me good suggestions.
I will/am trying this. I will just have to figure out a way so that they will listen. Thank you. -
heheheheehheeeee I have that on my wall beside my computer.
Back to the Basics
by Mystery inif for the most part others are done with their arguing i have a sincere question.
my family has been going to a church for about a year.
for awhile it was every sunday, until i found and began reading this forum.
but is it enough with "just mom" telling/discussing this with them? I have come to the understanding that "what mom says" just doesn't count. A friend of mine told my son the same thing that I have been telling him for months!! and it is like it is the first time he had heard it! Am I enough in teaching my sons about God? I can't ask my sons to believe a certain religion, becasue I believe in no religion myself. I have taught my sons in the "golden rules" but will this be enough for when they leave? Will I have taught them enough to know right from wrong?
They know right from wrong; if it can be stated that way. No stealing, no killing, respecting others etc.... but is this enough? -
There are people at the end of threads
by Brummie inok i wonder whose sitting at home hurting over something that has been said to them on here?
i wonder whose been totally critisised for good intentions and harmless threads or posts?
what happened to the ability to discuss things like an adult instead of diving in and making out the person who began the thread was just trying to cause trouble?
I am hear to learn and regain believe in people and to have peace within myself.
Maybe that is selfish. But that is why I am here. I have been deceived and lied to all of my life. People in “the truth” have lied to me about “the future”. People at school have made fun of me because of my beliefs. After I left, people made fun of me because I didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere.
Then one day, I decided to be myself; not a JW, not a popular person, not someone who followed and did not lead. I began small and the longer I did it the more of a leader I became. I have been a leader for a long time now.
But my shortcoming is that I do not know what is “believed” in my heart. I found this site; whether by coincidence or by “fate” regardless, I found it.
I read this site for experiences of what others are going thru; for a laugh sometimes when things feel like they are falling apart (like today); but I also look for knowledge, mostly I look for knowledge. -
Back to the Basics
by Mystery inif for the most part others are done with their arguing i have a sincere question.
my family has been going to a church for about a year.
for awhile it was every sunday, until i found and began reading this forum.
If for the most part others are done with their arguing i have a sincere question.
My family has been going to a church for about a year. For awhile it was every Sunday, until I found and began reading this forum. Then my mornings were taken up with reading. I will never join a church again, but this preacher impressed me. Why?.... really isn't relevant.
Point is: this morning I got up and decided to go to church (we haven’t been in about 3-4 weeks because 1) my kids had spent the night away and we (me & hubby) slept late or we relaxed with no children around etc… Regardless we hadn’t been in a few weeks.
Anyway I get up this morning, with both of my sons home on a Sunday morning, wake them up and announce that we are going to church. Granted we had not been in several weeks. My 15 yr old said he was not going. He told me that since I did not believe in all of their teachings why in the *ell should he go? My husband, who is typically on my side, off to the side, tells me that my son is right. Yes, he is right, but I feel my sons should be, at least, exposed to religion. Since I do NOT know what to believe myself about religion I understand this.
So my question, what do we teach our children when we do not know what to expect of religion ourselves? What do we teach our children about God when we do not know ourselves? I do absolutely believe that they know of the Bible and God. I can not believe in atheism; But my son, is right in the account that “I don’t know what I believe”. How do "we" (I) teach our (my) children when “we” (I) don’t know what to believe ourselves?
Someone share with me; What do teach our children? -
They lost 7 bible studies
by caballoSentado inhi friends, .
i just found out that one of the persons i talked to about the un scandal and .
the wtbs hypocrisy, a very good & loving person, a real christian, has cancelled .
caballoSentado - this really brought a smile to my face, no one needs to go thru what we have been.
your words to her apparently paid off.