Dont say evolution makes sense! Dont say evolution makes sense! I'd rather believe anything than believe evolution. This cant be it, there cant be nothing after this! I think just with a few posts you have made me realise something. I am petrified of evolution being true. I guess this is mankinds problem...
Posts by geek
In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth...
by geek inthis very first sentence in the bible makes no sense to me, i struggle with it and i am wondering what other's thoughts are on the subject.
don't get me wrong, i believe in god, i believe their is a creator, or atleast i hope their is.
but i struggle with him creating the heavens and the earth, i mean, why would he?
In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth...
by geek inthis very first sentence in the bible makes no sense to me, i struggle with it and i am wondering what other's thoughts are on the subject.
don't get me wrong, i believe in god, i believe their is a creator, or atleast i hope their is.
but i struggle with him creating the heavens and the earth, i mean, why would he?
Thanks for taking the time to think about this and get back to me, I was hoping to get back on here yesterday but didn't manage it. I guess the biggest thing for me is that I cant get my head around life not existing and then suddenly existing. If we were talking about bacteria or even plants then yes ok, maybe, it would still seem far fetched but maybe. But human life, no way, that couldn't just appear or even evolve. I'll admit I'm no scientist but it makes no sense. I really feel I have a soul, or a life force, whatever you want to call it, more than just my personality, its something within which is separate from my physical body. I havnt learnt this from my JW upbringing obviously, its just something I sense. Also, I cant understand why the bible, if it was from God, why was it written the way it was? I find it more difficult to trust because it was written over such a long period by so many writers. Ive found out that there is actually lots of manuscripts left over from the bible, books that they decided to leave out when they put the bible together. Which leads me to think that the bible is just the philosophy of men at that time, rather than from God. I wonder why, if it really was from God, why didnt he create it, why didnt he just have it miraculously appear? Then I would find it much more difficult to doubt. Which ultimately would lead to more believers.
Whats so bad about being a JW? One who truley believes? I know they spend a lot of their lives at meetings and out on field service, and I know they waste their money buying magazines and driving around territory but they enjoy it, all the witness' I know and have known have loved their life. I sometimes wish I could believe so I could be one, its a simple, happy life, my life would be much easier if I just went ahead and got baptized, but I have too many doubts.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth...
by geek inthis very first sentence in the bible makes no sense to me, i struggle with it and i am wondering what other's thoughts are on the subject.
don't get me wrong, i believe in god, i believe their is a creator, or atleast i hope their is.
but i struggle with him creating the heavens and the earth, i mean, why would he?
I was raised as a JW so I definitely was taught their was a creator from a young age. However, as I have huge doubts over their beliefs and even of the bible, I think my belief comes more from my own self. I don't know if this will make sense to anyone else, if anyone else has the same thoughts or if these thoughts can be explained by phycology without backing up the belief in the everlasting soul. But I feel like I have an inner person, a soul, that when my body dies my soul will live on. From a young age I was aware that if I had been born into another body into another family, I would be someone else but I'd still be me. Does that make any sense at all? If I was born a boy, I'd be male but Id still be me, so I guess the 'me' is referring to my soul. So, if I believe in the soul then I guess I believe that someone created it, who or how or why, I don't know.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
by hoser inmine has been getting out of hand the last 13 months.
i know a specific weekend when it started up again last june.. .
i took an extended vacation this summer hoping it would go away but events that transpired at my vacation residence caused me a lot of stress and i can't seem to stop the looping going on in my brain.. .
I have OCD too, was diagnosed with it 9 years ago but have struggled with it all my life. I cant really help you (I cant fix myself so cant offer much help to you, except to say that you have to fight the compulsions, its the only way to get rid of the obsessive thoughts) but Im here if you want to chat about it.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth...
by geek inthis very first sentence in the bible makes no sense to me, i struggle with it and i am wondering what other's thoughts are on the subject.
don't get me wrong, i believe in god, i believe their is a creator, or atleast i hope their is.
but i struggle with him creating the heavens and the earth, i mean, why would he?
This very first sentence in the bible makes no sense to me, I struggle with it and I am wondering what other's thoughts are on the subject. Don't get me wrong, I believe in God, I believe their is a creator, or atleast I hope their is. But I struggle with him creating the heavens and the earth, I mean, why would he? What is the point? We can only see such a tiny amount of the universe, with our naked eye just a speck of the universe so what is the point in it? The bible talks about the luminaries but we only see a speck of whats out there. Does anyone else wonder about this too?
Hi, Im new (kind of)
by geek inhi, i was here years ago but havnt been around for maybe 7 or 8 years.
i was brought up as a jw, my mum still is, ive studied and studied over the years but have never been baptized and have always had nagging doubts.. ive been trying to talk to my mum and her husband about my doubts but its like they dont understand what im saying, my mum's husband jumps from one topic to the next, throwing point after point at me and doesnt listen to any of the answers i give him.. for instance this week i told him that i doubt the bible because when it talks about the last days it fails to mention the ice caps melting or about the technology we now have but talks about wars etc that mankind has always known.
i just get the same answer from him everytime "it cant mention everything or the bible would be a mile long".
Thanks for the welcomes.
Sorry, ILoveTTATT, I cant figure out how to send pms.
To be honest, Im still studying and have been for almost a year, at one point I was attending meetings regularly and enjoying it, trying to forget the doubts I was having and have always had.
I dislike the hours counting, I dislike the money making of the organisation.
One thing I said to my mums husband this week is that JWs dont support charity, he disagreed strongly, stating how they keep it quiet, and how the organisation send helpers to disaster zones, but that is nothing compared to the money they plough into new Kingdom Halls, the churches do much more for charity in my opinion with the little knowledge I have.
I am curious about other beliefs, I am curious about the possibilities out there, I am fascinated with the idea of extra terrestrial life and time travel, Im not saying I believe in UFOs or anything but it interests me as a possibilty.
My mum would say that Satan is trying to distract me from the truth, but I feel like I have been given a brain so I want to use it to ponder other possibilites other than what Im told in my study aid.
Hi, Im new (kind of)
by geek inhi, i was here years ago but havnt been around for maybe 7 or 8 years.
i was brought up as a jw, my mum still is, ive studied and studied over the years but have never been baptized and have always had nagging doubts.. ive been trying to talk to my mum and her husband about my doubts but its like they dont understand what im saying, my mum's husband jumps from one topic to the next, throwing point after point at me and doesnt listen to any of the answers i give him.. for instance this week i told him that i doubt the bible because when it talks about the last days it fails to mention the ice caps melting or about the technology we now have but talks about wars etc that mankind has always known.
i just get the same answer from him everytime "it cant mention everything or the bible would be a mile long".
Hi, I was here years ago but havnt been around for maybe 7 or 8 years. I was brought up as a JW, my mum still is, Ive studied and studied over the years but have never been baptized and have always had nagging doubts.
Ive been trying to talk to my mum and her husband about my doubts but its like they dont understand what Im saying, my mum's husband jumps from one topic to the next, throwing point after point at me and doesnt listen to any of the answers I give him.
For instance this week I told him that I doubt the bible because when it talks about the last days it fails to mention the ice caps melting or about the technology we now have but talks about wars etc that mankind has always known. I just get the same answer from him everytime "It cant mention everything or the bible would be a mile long". I make the point that it would only take a few sentences, a page at most just to talk about some of the things happening now, but then he goes on about how the bible isnt a scientific book but when it touches on science it is accurate.
It annoys me so much, his answers are parroted straight off the platform, not an ounce of his own thought has gone into what he says.
He is so brainwashed, I mean, hes a good man but hes brainwashed.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hi :)