Topics Started by geek
In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth...
by geek inthis very first sentence in the bible makes no sense to me, i struggle with it and i am wondering what other's thoughts are on the subject.
don't get me wrong, i believe in god, i believe their is a creator, or atleast i hope their is.
but i struggle with him creating the heavens and the earth, i mean, why would he?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
by hoser inmine has been getting out of hand the last 13 months.
i know a specific weekend when it started up again last june.. .
i took an extended vacation this summer hoping it would go away but events that transpired at my vacation residence caused me a lot of stress and i can't seem to stop the looping going on in my brain.. .
Hi, Im new (kind of)
by geek inhi, i was here years ago but havnt been around for maybe 7 or 8 years.
i was brought up as a jw, my mum still is, ive studied and studied over the years but have never been baptized and have always had nagging doubts.. ive been trying to talk to my mum and her husband about my doubts but its like they dont understand what im saying, my mum's husband jumps from one topic to the next, throwing point after point at me and doesnt listen to any of the answers i give him.. for instance this week i told him that i doubt the bible because when it talks about the last days it fails to mention the ice caps melting or about the technology we now have but talks about wars etc that mankind has always known.
i just get the same answer from him everytime "it cant mention everything or the bible would be a mile long".