Like others said, 'who would join if this were public knowledge'? my husband didn't realise he was expected to treat a df'd person any different until someone told him to.
Posts by Oogie
Lying about Shunning! conceals the "truth"
by Skinnedsheep in .
"those who were baptized as jehovahs witnesses but no longer preach to others, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned.
in fact, we reach out to them and try to rekindle their spiritual interest.".
by Dis-Member inthere are 7,782,346 active publishes in the world.. . has received an estimated 7,639,900 visits over the last 30 days.
the number of visits differs from visitors (or unique visitors).
It's keeping the dubs busy so as not to see the 'wizard' behind the curtain.
Checkmate WT!
by ILoveTTATT inas a lot of you know, i am making a catalog of all the articles and quotes that the wt used to make the creation book.
i want to see all the quotes for myself, if possible.. i went to my university today, and i got some more books.. checkmate, wt!
i can now check every single quote, almost without regard to how obscure or rare the book is!.
Wow ILT, that's pretty f'd up.
for those still "in" what's the mood
by lastchance inin my area the general sense is bleak.
many are in survival mode.
even at the convention the appearance of the majority was unhappy and tired.
@This is my tigersuit yeah, i tried to get him to read no avail.
for those still "in" what's the mood
by lastchance inin my area the general sense is bleak.
many are in survival mode.
even at the convention the appearance of the majority was unhappy and tired.
The lack of love at last year's DC is part of what woke me husband is still in though. I think his thinking is more like: 'where else would I go?'
WTBTS continues to move to paperless
by pronomono induring my last meeting i was approached to see if i would be willing to switch to the electronic version of the km/watchtower.
i thought to myself "i'm way ahead of you here, buddy.
been doing it for almost a year.
Pixar the production company is jealous of Caleb and Sophia video's
by life is to short inso said the co last night.. apparently a jw was on a flight and just happend to sit next to some big wig from pixar and when the man from pixar heard that he was a jw the pixar man just gushed over what great work that the watchtower has done in producing the caleb video's.
he siad he only wished pixar could do such great work.
the co said we are able to do it because we have free labor and jehovah behind us.. my husband stayed home from the meeting but wanted to tie in by phone and that is what the co said in his talk.. the co also talked about all the changes that have happened in the last ten years and how if some of the friends did not like it they needed and to quote him "they just needed to get over it" these changes are going to happned period.
Our good friend Palimpsest over at JWR has a Pixar contact. She emailed him, this was his response:
"hadn't heard of it. passed it around my pod and no one recognized it. we follow animation close obviously so its not anything major. an exec would only know it if it had been in festivals or came through screening here.
the production is a fair amateur effort. whoever made it is a little trained but not experienced. its basic and wouldn't win any awards in a student show. but its better than alot of the shorts I've seen. still no way an exec said that. the message is as oppoiste of what we say in our films as it gets ."the thread is here:
CO explaining at Circuit Assembly how to measure neighbourly love
by Daniel1555 ini attended the circuit assembly this weekend.
it was boring as always (except for one positive thing that was said was that we should be gentle especially the elders).. there was one thing that left me absolutely speechless.
the co was explaining how to measure neighbourly love: by the amount of time spent in fieldservice.. the next point he mentioned was that we should strictly adhere to the disfellowshipping arrangments and not find excuses to speak to df family members.. .
i now give change to the homeless because i know its the right thing to do, i always knew, but never did because the big 'a' was a comin'.
i feel like i'm helping people just by doing that more, than i ever did as a door-knocker.
Reverse-Witnessing leaves me mentally and emotionally drained...
by ILoveTTATT inhi dear friends!.
i am doing some stealth reverse-witnessing, and i have succeeded in at least two people seeing ttatt, one being my friend and the other being my dad (although my dad has a longer route to take to exit the wts, and i have to slowly chip away at the illusion).... the illusion of jw's is very strong.
they give an illusion of being moral and decent people, and that may be true just because the majority of the people they attract are just being deceived, or i really like to believe that and hope for the best.. what i hate and leaves me emotionally drained are jw apologists.
@Jim_TX: that won't know JWs are allergic to doing research...that's why they're still JWs.
I think I have finally reached the point were I have to make a hard decision....
by confusedandalone in<rant>.
i know i have been rambling alot (feel free to delete my threads if so), but it appeas i am getting to the point where i see no use in the bible.
i feel very bad about this right now.
I have ideas about what truth really is, but you'd all think i'm bonkers.