C. Atheist - I can understand those loosing faith in bible, but everything in existance, I can't believe was random.
Who said it was? The laws of nature are not random they're based on chemical reactions and chemical properties. If you combine vinegar and baking soda you know what the reaction will be, it's not random but those conditions can come into play without a human or anything manipulating them.
I see far too much evidence of intelligent design
and how all supposedly randomness, with intelligent thinking ability, we as humans can't duplicate.
Again what are you talking about random? However you need to do some research on Beta particals or Gamma particals, I'd probably also look into the Miller-Urey experiment from the University of Chicago in 1952.
If life happened on its own, why can't we create it ourselves.
Ugn, have you researched evolution at all? So let's review all the things we can do, we can cause plants and animals to evolve. We can cause inorganic compounds to turn into organic ones. We can cause the organic compounds to become RNA and we can cause RNA to self-replicate. So in essence if we can do all these basic parts of how life came about don't you think in time we'll be able to do more and create life. What will be your excuse when we do?
My question, is your path from being a JW, to not believe in bible, then not even in God. What made your belief firm in this?
Easy, there's no evidence that is external (of the bible), objective, and verifiable that God does exist. I don't believe in anything else that lacks these qualities why should I believe in God then?