It's been out for a year(?) now? I just assumed it ran it's theater course.
Posts by Zoos
Truth Be Told - any news on DVD release?
by Zoos ini've been perusing the various threads on the truth be told documentary, along with visiting the website , and i don't see an option for purchasing the dvd.
is it still not available?.
Who Really Is Going To Pay For The Child Molestation Lawsuits The Watchtower Corporation Looses In Court?
by frankiespeakin ini bet we see lots and lots of kingdom hall and branch propereties going to the auction block to make up the losses.
expect more and more pleas from the faithful slave for more and more donations in the future as the magazine selling business continues to post lots of losses with no end in sight and child molestation lawsuits must be paid.
the governing body or corporate ceos have their bottom line which is generate cash flow in a positive direction, by hook or by crook.. the faithful slave auction block:.
Not ME!
HAPPY APOSTATES 2014 the Video
by Watchtower-Free in
I've been feeling really down lately.
THIS WAS PERFECT!!! Thank you!
Any gay exJW's?
by Trapped in JW land inwas just wondering how many gay exjw's were on this site, and how did you deal with being in this organization?
and also, how did you end up leaving?.
Thanks 88JM. I just printed it also.
Please explain God's wisdom in Judges19;22-30
by jam inthe just of the account, two people enter a city and can not .
find lodging.
an old man invite them to stay with him (levite).. this is so weird, all the men of the city come to have sex with.
Why would the men want 'intercourse' with the visitors (assuming it mean't sexual intercourse)..........were they homosexuals?
This attack had nothing to do with anyone's sexual orientation.
The men of Gibea came asking for the man (male outsider) but ended up taking the concubine (female outsider). Same with the Sodom & Gomorrah story. The townsmen came asking for the visitors (outsiders) and refused Lot's daughters (locals).
There's nothing about these stories that have anything to do with the sex of the outsider or the sexual orientation of the attackers. What the townsmen were trying to accomplish here was an act of gang rape, a way of defiling the visitor in the most horrific way possible.
This immediately reminded me of a personal story I read on this forum many months ago about someone who had the 'honor' of visiting a hotel room where a couple of GB members were holed up during an assembly (I think), and when they opened the door they invited the guests in with the words: "Welcome to the palace" - or something along those lines.
Anyone remember this?
I may have butchered the story but the gist of their mentality is right on target with the prophecy you cite, Hoser. They have such an over-inflated sense of personal value, position and entitlement.
Why Jehovah's Witnesses Think They're Better Than Us
by God_Delusion inhello guys and gals!.
have you ever wondered why jehovah's witnesses think they're better than everyone else?.
well, here's pov (point of view) of a jehovah's witness.
I got about half way through it and my stomach made me stop.
Any gay exJW's?
by Trapped in JW land inwas just wondering how many gay exjw's were on this site, and how did you deal with being in this organization?
and also, how did you end up leaving?.
Heartofaboy: I love you guys......
Plain, simple, and sincerely returned.
Please explain God's wisdom in Judges19;22-30
by jam inthe just of the account, two people enter a city and can not .
find lodging.
an old man invite them to stay with him (levite).. this is so weird, all the men of the city come to have sex with.
The story of the men of Gibeah closely mirrors the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the consequences of violating the hospitality laws of the time.
The relevant part of this story begins:
vs. 15 - Consequently they turned aside there to go in to stay overnight in Gib′e·ah. And they proceeded to go in and sit down in the public square of the city, and there was nobody taking them on into the house to stay overnight.
Caring for strangers was supposed to be the cultural norm.
vs. 22 - ...the men of the city... surrounded the house... and they kept saying to the... the owner of the house: “Bring out the man that came into your house, that we may have intercourse with him.”
The townsmen were out to harm the visitor, the outsider - in violation of hospitality laws. This was common practice to show dominance, intimidate, and instill fear.
vs. 23 - At that the owner of the house went on out to them and said to them: “No, my brothers, do not do anything wrong, please, since this man has come into my house.
The owner took his responsibility as host seriously.
vs. 24 - Here are my virgin daughter and his concubine. Let me bring them out, please, and you rape them
Given the diminished value of women (disgusting - another topic), the owner offered two women in place of his guest.
vs. 25 - And the men did not want to listen to him. Hence the man took hold of his concubine and brought her forth to them outside; and they began to have intercourse with her, and kept on abusing her all night long until the morning
The men of Gibea didn't want the owner's daughter as she would not have served the purpose of the attack. They instead took the concubine, an outsider, and raped her.
This is the exact same scenario we read about in the account of Sodom & Gomorrah where Lot's daughters were offered and rejected because they did not serve the purpose of the attack. They were not outsiders. They were not considered a threat. An attack on them would not have served the purpose of the townsmen's goal to show dominance, intimidate, and instill fear.
“The cry of complaint about Sod′om and Go·mor′rah, yes, it is loud, and their sin, yes, it is very heavy." - Genesis 18:20
Sodom & Gomorrah, like the town of Gibeah was punished for the horrendous way they treated people.
Look! This is what proved to be the error of Sod′om your sister: Pride, sufficiency of bread and the carefreeness of keeping undisturbed were what happened to belong to her and her dependent towns, and the hand of the afflicted one and the poor one she did not strengthen. 50 And they continued to be haughty and to carry on a detestable thing before me, and I finally removed them, just as I saw [fit]. - Ezekiel 16:49, 50
What would you say to a...
by confusedandalone inbuddhist / hindu / rastafarian / pagan etc... if they came to you and said in my homeland we have our own gods who is completely different from yours and most of his teachings are contradictory or atleast different from yours.
do you thyink that my gods from my homeland that were worshipped for thousands of years are fake?.
If my mission was to promote my beliefs over his, YES. I would do what I could to show him the error of his religion/god(s). But I'm not a JW anymore. I'm content to be a Christian who NOW understands that man's salvation is based on the condition of heart rather than some individual notion of doctrinal purity or understanding of the identity of God.
NOW, my approach would be more like the one NAVYTOWN mentioned - turning it in to a learning experience for myself.
NOW, I could part company with the guy without viewing him as buzzard food.