DATA-DOG - You're not... why would I... how can you... OH, never mind! LOL
Jgnat: How's your back? Are you experiencing increased mobility?
It was my neck - cervical spine, and yes it is SO much better. Still a little achy and stiff from the surgery but Doc says that will pass in a couple of months. But the little achy I have now is nowhere near the pain I had going into surgery. Amazing!
SafeAtHome: Isn't it wonderful that we can benefit from modern medicine
I have made this comment many times. It wasn't so long ago the solution they used on me was not available. It is ABSOLUTELY amazing what they can do, especially working that close to your spinal cord. I was in and out of the hospital in 24 hours - and I walked out without even a neck brace. Only a bandage over the incision.
I found a little 5 minute YouTube video of what they did to me. Actually, they did two things. They pulled my cervical spine back into normal position. It had a reverse curve like you see in this picture:
They pulled it back into correct position and then performed this procedure on two disks (the video only shows one disk), with titanium plate spanning three vertebrae. (It's part live video, part animation)
Spectre: I had a bunch of titanium braces put in to fix my shattered vertebrae.
For me they used titanium to hold the new bones in place. Doc says my bones will grow roots into the cadaver bones and eventually render the plate useless.
Snare&racket, thanks for the well wishes. I'm already back to work - thinking about bicycle commuting again next week.