Not only will I be getting a "worldly" degree, but I'll be wearing a flowing gown and fancy hat when I get it!
Billiy the Drag Queen... Congrats!
leaving the university with my degree!.
exams are finished and it's just a matter of days before i walk.. i was certainly stressed about doing this.
i'm older than my classmates and armageddon was sooooo close!
Not only will I be getting a "worldly" degree, but I'll be wearing a flowing gown and fancy hat when I get it!
Billiy the Drag Queen... Congrats!
jehovah is the father of tender mercies, with whom their no variation or turning of a shadow.
needless to say that since jehovah is a spirit he does not digest food and has no need of a large and small intestine which is the main cause of such physical disturbances.
[EDIT] Nevermind!
across that stage tommorrow dressed in graduate garb picking up a masters degree.. .
i have been thinking of a simple one liner to use when challenged as to why i dont seem to be an "active / good" witness.... "i no longer wish to be considered as 'bloodguilty' thanks" and leave it at that.. if said in a dignified, (not in a smart arse way), then i think this may make people see that my desicion is a sound one based on logic and not emotion..... thoughts?.
Oh, no doubt it's their favorite expression when cracking the whip to make the sheeples do more, more, MORE! But they would never understand it in terms of applying it to BEING a good/active JW. In their minds it only works the other way around. In their minds, being a good/active JW is the only way to avoid bloodguilt.
The way you're using it does not compute... in a JW mind.
i have been thinking of a simple one liner to use when challenged as to why i dont seem to be an "active / good" witness.... "i no longer wish to be considered as 'bloodguilty' thanks" and leave it at that.. if said in a dignified, (not in a smart arse way), then i think this may make people see that my desicion is a sound one based on logic and not emotion..... thoughts?.
I no longer wish to be considered as 'Bloodguilty' thanks"
Will not be understood by any JW. Bloodguilty is not in the same realm with being a good JW. A statement like that could never stand on its own. They would look at you like you have two heads.
as you all may know, it is an ongoing project to translate jwfacts to spanish.
given that there are more than 2 spanish-speaking jw's for every one that speaks english, it can be safely said that spanish is the #1 language in the jw world (even though everything is made originally in english).. the spanish-speaking jw's are harder to convince.
i attribute it almost 100% to socioeconomic factors.
My only claim to a second language is sign language. I could translate some of JWFACTS into ASL videos, although I would prefer not to be involved with any topic having to do with masturbation.
ILoveTTATT, this is awesome work you're doing. Thank you!
were there ever specific occurrences which you or those around you thought might be the start of "armageddon"?.
i remember 9/11 being such a day as it happened right as the meeting for field service ended.
it was the week of the c.o.
As a young teen (had to be mid-late 70's) the aurora borealis dipped into our region and I just knew it was the "signs in the heavens" we had been wating for. I had never seen anything like it. I was babysitting a neighbor kid when I saw it and forgot all about him when I went running home to tell mom amageddon was here.
Scared the $#@* out of me because by then I knew all about masturbation and I WAS GOING DOWN!
so many at my wife's hall have rushed to buy i-pads,androids etc for use in servicetm and at the hall.. most know little or nothing about how to use them but have joined the stampede to tm and the reinvention of the wtbts.. it prompted one elder at my wife's hall to have a seminar at his house to explain how to use them in service and at the hall.. how exciting.... one 80 year old pioneer woman will be there with her new toy.. as a distraction it seems to be working quite well.
no need to worry about 1914 or other issues.. they are all nuts and getting nuttier....
Isn't it wonderful how Jehovah leads his happy people with his dynamic, forward-moving and technically savvy organization?
a popular sydney news reader died this week (of cancer, at age 73).
the news reports from a number of sources were uniform in praising the man, both professionally and for his human qualities.. and, the obituaries all mentioned his partner:.
ian ross and partner gray bolte at ross farewell from seven news in 2009. photo: courtesy of seven.
The only point I can gather from the scripture quoted by LogCon is that heterosexuals should not give up their natural sexual use for the opposite sex by violating themselves in unnatural ways with members of the same sex. To do so would bring punishment by God.
I see no injunction against gay people here. In fact, we have always understood that laws handed down to man apply equally to women. Would it not stand to reason this law handed to heteros applies equally to homos?
"HETEROS - Keep your winkies in the women!"
"HOMOS - Keep your winkies in each other!"
Given people's distaste for religion's behavior, religion has lost much of it's influence over public opinion. This trend can only snowball as the LogCon-types spit hate wads from the back row where they have been confined by decent human beings who demand a higher standard of conduct.
the gb can kiss my ass.. i'm writing "0" on the little slip of paper they pass out.. hey here's a thought:.
you know that "widow's might" stuff they're always talking about?
well i'm pretty dang sure that the lady was giving from the heart not because she filled out some dumba$$ piece of paper pledging two small coins several months previous!.
Sounds like a membership fee to me. Before long, if congregations fall short on their payments they can expect collection procedures to be initiated.