OMG! The end really IS near!
Posts by Zoos
Turkish government recently cut off the flow of the Euphrates River
by ablebodiedman inthe turkish government recently cut off the flow of the euphrates river, threatening primarily syria but also iraq with a major water crisis.
al-akhbar found out that the water level in lake assad has dropped by about six meters, leaving millions of syrians without drinking water.. .
What did Jesus really mean, when he said he had made his Father's name known?
by Faithful Witness ini am preparing for my meeting this friday with miss k. we are reviewing the bible teach book, and she is looking forward to "showing me some things about the divine name.
" i don't know what she might pull out of her hat this time... but that section of the teach book is so completely assanine, i don't even know what to say.
) what did jesus mean when he said that to his father?.
When I meet with Miss K this Friday, what verses might she pull out with her cherry-picker, to prove to me that Jesus actually DID declare the name of God, and that we are supposed to call God by His personal name?
Not sure how many times the WT has added the name Jehovah to the NT scriptures, but Miss K could present one of those altered passages.
By WT's own suggestion, it is best to have several bible translations on hand for comparison. In their book, All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial, they explain how comparing various scripts help to weed out spurious content. By showing your JW guest how every other bible out there isolates the NWT into a corner regarding its use of the divine name in the NT scriptures you will force her into defending the governing body and IT'S translation decisions - which in the end is all they have to fall back on. It might help to have a Strong's concordance handy to show her how difficult it is to render the Greek word kurios as anything other than Lord.
New Leaflet to give to JW about TTATT
by TJ Curioso inhi to all my fellows "apostates" in all world... especially in e.u.a.
and uk.. as some of you already know, ex-jw in portugal created a leaflet especialy to send to jw in all the country (individualy or to congregations).
we must say that it was a sucess from the point of view of the impact originated.
Do Not Be a Victim of Propaganda! vs Sept 07 OKM
by Black Sheep inthis is an adaptation of my commentary for my wife on one of the propaganda articles still published on the official wt website.. i think they are a good set of articles to refer to when discussing the sept 2007 okm qfr and jws cultish behaviour in general.. .
This Good News of The Kingdom Will Be Preached Then The End WIll Come
by seekchristonly innews.
the preaching work was finished in the 1st century before the destruction of jerusalem,the temple and the old covenant.. this is confirmed by messiah and the apostles themselves.
i quote jesus.
Yet another theory of how it is, how it was, and how it will play out. You are as entitled as everyone else on this rock to have and express your opinions. I just can't bring myself to swallow yet another viewpoint on the matter. I'm burnt out... and I'm pretty sure THE TRUTH isn't all that important to God either or He would have made the water a little less muddy.
I'm content not knowing how things will turn out. Content to believe there is a God and we'll see His hand when He shows it. Don't really know what else to do til then.
This life has a way of beating the give a shit out of you.
A Thread for Cyclists - Where Do you Ride?
by cofty ini took up cycing a couple of months ago just to get fitter and lose a bit of excess weight.. i bought a second-hand hybrid bike (weighs only slightly less than a truck) and fitted road tyres.
four or five times a week i will go for a ride after work for an hour or so.
i am fortunate enough to live in rural north england surrounded by limitless quiet roads.
When I was 14, a pioneer brother (maybe aged 20-ish) took me on a road trip to the Grand Canyon. We stopped at a gas station on the north rim and met a bicyclist who was on his way to Canada. I got to talk with him for a while and asked him all kinds of questions about his bike, gear, massive legs, where do you shower?, how do you support yourself if your home is that bike?, (which it was - he told me). He said he makes a round trip from somewhere in Canada to Panama every year, buying turquois in the south and selling it in the north to support himself.
That's when I became interested in cycling.
Every year my family would travel through Island Park and Yellowstone National Park to camp for a week on our way to the district convention in Billings, Montana. Every year I would watch the cyclist hoofing up those steep mountains, wanting a bike of my own that I could travel with. Oh, I had a bike of my own - a K-Mart dirt bike that got me to school and back. But a real traveling bike, a Schwinn maybe, or a Cannondale. I knew my folks couldn't afford something like that. Not with four other kids to feed, clothe and school.
30 years later I have a Cannondale hybrid now. Not exactly a long distance traveling bike. I consider mine more of a starter kit. But I have been eye-balling the Smokey Mountain range out my back door and the road bike I intend to buy at the cycle shop. I've already mapped out the route I'm going to take, the hotels I'll stay in, and the supply of nitroglycerin for all the anticipated heart attacks.
If I die up there, I'll die happy.
by steve2 intheir website provides snippets on progress in a section called fast facts-worldwide...but for all the pizzaz, it's outdated.
they give the worldwide memorial attendance for last year (19,241,252) - which was less than in 2011, but do not tell us the current year's worldwide attendance - even though it was almost 2 months ago.
doesn't that make the snippets slow facts-worldwide?
Fast facts are slow.
Spiritual paradise is hell.
Brother is foe.
Soon is never.
Donation is racketeering.
Do I need to go on?
A Thread for Cyclists - Where Do you Ride?
by cofty ini took up cycing a couple of months ago just to get fitter and lose a bit of excess weight.. i bought a second-hand hybrid bike (weighs only slightly less than a truck) and fitted road tyres.
four or five times a week i will go for a ride after work for an hour or so.
i am fortunate enough to live in rural north england surrounded by limitless quiet roads.
The moment I opened this thread I had this tune in my head. Ah, the power of suggestion.
I'm also a novice spinner. I spent $750 on a nice bike last December and outfitted it for commuting to work. (headlight, taillight, pannier). I rode it around the neighborhood exactly one time and then the weather got too cold. But I'm up and running on it now. I start out at 4am and travel 45 mins to the gym, workout for an hour and then another 10 mins to work. After 9 hours doing sometimes hard, physical work, I ride an hour home.
Going home is mostly uphill and that's when the cuss words leak out.
NOTE TO SELF: What the hell were you thinking?
Australian Government publishes on official web site the current Jehovah's Witnesses "Handling of Child Abuse" confidential letter to all bodies of elders (October 1, 2012)
by jwleaks inthe current jehovah's witnesses official child abuse handling procedure letter to all bodies of elders (october 1, 2012) has been placed into public domain by the australian (victoria) government "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious oganisations".. official government web site link to letter:.
short link:.
Curious... does the government website make any comments about the letter? How do they introduce it?
The link to the letter is fine but is there a link to the location of its post within the site?
How stupid were we??
by Crazyguy inits unbelievable to me that one verse in the bible blows up the entire jw dogma and its amazing to me that with all this bible reading we jw's did we missed it.
even faders and people who quit for many reasons missed it.
what verse am i talking about it verse 9 of chapter 5 of revelations.
I dunno. Rev. 7:9 talks about a great crowd that cannot be numbered. That's sounds different than a group of 144,000 (figurative or not) to serve as kings.
I'm not suggesting for a moment that I agree with the JW spin on this. Maybe my thinking is still being influenced by a life of indoctrination. But when I read these scriptures I see two different groups. So we all go to heaven to do our heavenly things but only a few are selected to serve with Christ. Maybe.
I dunno. Anymore, this stuff just gives me a headache.