Unstopableravens is one of the forum's most active member of the Westboro Baptist nuisance.
You'll have better luck trying to reason with a brick.
has anyone else seen this, or did i just miss the posting?.
here's the opening paragraph:.
Unstopableravens is one of the forum's most active member of the Westboro Baptist nuisance.
You'll have better luck trying to reason with a brick.
has anyone else seen this, or did i just miss the posting?.
here's the opening paragraph:.
This has one of my JW family members in a froth...all of this being foretold and all...lol
"They would have a form of heterosexuality but prove false to it's power..."
ok, not really.. but the rbc is spamming my email trying to get my volunteer information.
it all seems kind of hokey.
it comes from some unofficial gmail account that i've never seen and telling me to go to a generic form website to enter in my personal information.
leaving_quietly: They are desperate for workers at Warwick, it seems. They've gone to great lengths to get people to go help. ... their letters and now this survey certainly makes one wonder if all is not as it seems.
For example, who of you that wants to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense manpower, to see if he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, he might lay its foundation but not be able to finish it, and all the onlookers might start to ridicule him...
Ridicule? Not US!!!!
after a one year sucessful fade and no longer associated with any congreation, i was visiting my sister this week (who goes to the meeting to please her husband for now; i am slowly planting seeds though) and they decided to year this weeks midweek meeting via the telephone.
since i was a guest in her house, i sat with them in the living room to hear the meeting.
to my surprise (especially growing up as a gay jw with still alot of anger in my heart over how i was treated), the talks 2 and 3 where on, of course, homosexualiy.
Island Man, you're a pig!
Actually, the custom of the time was for each wife to have her own room (of sorts), her own bed, and the husband would go to HER bed.
lds.org has one more letter in it.
hehe.. .
after a one year sucessful fade and no longer associated with any congreation, i was visiting my sister this week (who goes to the meeting to please her husband for now; i am slowly planting seeds though) and they decided to year this weeks midweek meeting via the telephone.
since i was a guest in her house, i sat with them in the living room to hear the meeting.
to my surprise (especially growing up as a gay jw with still alot of anger in my heart over how i was treated), the talks 2 and 3 where on, of course, homosexualiy.
Ahh, that brings back good memories.....
Never enough spit and venom for the GOD HATES FAGS sessions offered up at the Kingdom Hall. I think they got even more creative at assemblies just to let you know they mean business.
I've been invited to attend a Southern Baptist church with some lovely friends I've made since leaving the JW cult and I tell them unequivocally, "I will not listen to another preacher tell me God disapproves of me by virtue of my existence." They just look away because they know their church is exactly the same way.
miracles still happen, eh?.
centuries of misrepresentation and persecution of gay people may be about to end, as far as the catholic church is concerned.. more than 200 bishops have been taking part in the synod since 5 october.
it was convened by pope francis to debate abortion, contraception, homosexuality and divorce.. monday's report, issued half-way through the two-week meeting, said:.
None of it matters, though. It's too late.
Religion X, Y, Z can kiss my homosexual butt!
many jw victims flee the "truth" after elders have raped them and covered it up.
doctrines aside, there would be no reason for one of these young victims to conclude the watchtower environment is god's arrangement on earth.. does the organization acknowledge this irreparable damage or will it write these victims off as apostates, slated for death at armageddon if they choose to get the hell out?.
Many JW victims flee the "truth" after elders have raped them and covered it up. Doctrines aside, there would be no reason for one of these young victims to conclude the Watchtower environment is God's arrangement on earth.
Does the organization acknowledge this irreparable damage or will it write these victims off as apostates, slated for death at Armageddon if they choose to get the hell out?
when the wtbts association with the un & the osce was exposed, their own rules should have been rammed down their corrupt and lying throats!.
thank you so much for the watchtower cd rom.
you made a huge rod for your own back.
The Searcher: How can such ones look at themselves in the mirror and not see that they are trampling on Christ, not representing him!
If Gillies has any decency in him he will eventually join us - whatever his tipping point may be. If he does not, then how he looks at himself in the mirror is for Jesus to worry about.
when the wtbts association with the un & the osce was exposed, their own rules should have been rammed down their corrupt and lying throats!.
thank you so much for the watchtower cd rom.
you made a huge rod for your own back.
Also, as Spock said in a relatively recent Star Trek film, "Why does God need a space/star ship?"
Ahem! It was Kirk.
... not that I would ever miss the more important point.