Posts by Zoos
So there was a fish swimming along...
by Zoos in... and it bumped into a concrete wall.
you know what he said?.
Article- Child checks for all religious leaders, inquiry recommends
by AndersonsInfo in
by: rick morton .
from: the australian .
What comes first, the WWCC clearance or appointment by Holy Spirit? -
Remember the two elderly sisters?
by John Aquila inabout a month ago i posted what had happened to two elderly sisters who were reprimanded by a couple of elders for crying because the jw broadcasting was going to be stopped at the kingdom hall and it was up to each publisher to learn how to use the internet.
if you recall the sisters got together with my mom and talked about it and it resulted in all of them declining to make meals for the pioneers.
here is the link.
Wonder how many times this scenario plays out all over the world. This CAN NOT be an isolated incident and only adds to the growing body of evidence pointing to Watchtower's cash crisis. -
Geoffrey Jackson's Amnesia at the Royal Commission!
by The Searcher inat 20:00 - 21:30 in his testimony, mr. geoffrey jackson - in answer to mr. stewart's question about the governing body claiming to be god's spokespersons - claimed that it would be presumptuous of them to say that they were the only spokespersons which god was using.
mr. jackson doesn't seem to know what he and his fellow g.b.
members - and the providers of his lifestyle, the wtbts - actually teach as "bible truth.
SEARCHER, you may have to narrow your quotes to the time since noo lite shown down from above and bestowed the title of Faithful & Discreet Slave upon the governing body members only.
... if I understand the noo lite correctly.
GB Helper at the RC! ( Regional Convention )
by DATA-DOG ina gb helper was at the rc.
this guy was decked out.
fancy expensive suit and cuff-linked shirt, super fancy cuff-links.
Local (small) Baptist church bought my neighbor a car
by Zoos inand elderly woman who lives across the street from me has had some hard economic times.
her adult son got injured and had to move back in with her due to his inability to work.
they are struggling.
And elderly woman who lives across the street from me has had some hard economic times. Her adult son got injured and had to move back in with her due to his inability to work. They are struggling. I haul their trash off so they don'y have to pay for a service. Sometimes we and others help out with utilities, meals etc... The son, Kieth, and I have had several nice chats over the split rail fence.
Recently their car went on the fritz. Their little church down the road bought them a small used car that runs fairly well. I couldn't help but think about how individual JWs would have certainly pitched in in such a case... but the congregation as an entity would have NEVER done such a thing. Never!
Tight pants again.
by Driving Force injust a short observation from several in the congregation.
it's only hearsay because i do not go to meetings, and this is what i have been told.. the co wore tight pants in the ministry and on the platform.
as one sister said, "you could see everything".. but like i said its hearsay, i never saw it, but i did have a giggle..
I don't understand this. I have always worn loose-fitting shorts and pants and with boxer shorts, you can still make out everything. It kinda goes with the territory of having a piece of skin that sticks out in the front. (Not trying to be graphic here.)
Is the suggestion being that men should strap it to their leg?
Ambulance chasers
by Diogenesister inmornin',.
not feeling too clever at the sent off to the hospital for more the bus, round the slap bang into my first one...its witnessin'cart himself!!
right outside the hospital gates!
"How would you like to live in a world where there is no sickness and death?"
I really thought I was helping people. While I never worked the hospital gates (the idea never occurred to me), my indoctrinated mind would have thought it a brilliant idea for encouraging the downhearted.
I was so blind to the reality of our nuisance. I guess the sincerity of intention is why I'm able to forgive myself and move on.
So there was a fish swimming along...
by Zoos in... and it bumped into a concrete wall.
you know what he said?.
"No, I'm a frayed knot".
Ouch! :)
The Kingdom Halls are empty
by punkofnice inmy jw spies tell me that the kingdom halls are empty compared to how they used to be, since i left 5 years ago.
not saying they're empty because of me though.. is that what you are hearing?.
The area where I live is in an economic boom, big time. Our locale was designated one of the fastest growing cities in the USA.
The congregations around here seem to be about the same. They do not reflect the massive growth going on all around them.
My 5 year observation.