Yeah, they warned us this would happen if we didn't keep up with Jehovah's celstial chariot. LOL
Posts by Zoos
The Jehovah's Witness religion has gone for good !!!
by snare&racket ini am not sure how you all feel as we all left at different times for different reasons.... but this new bible seems to have put some final nails into a coffin that was once my jw life.
the religion is so far and so different to the religion i grew up in that it has become something i feel no affiliation with anymore, no bond, no shared ideas or even sentimental views.
different teachings on when the end is coming.
Who Will Be The Next Member Of The Governing Body To Defect From The Corporation?
by frankiespeakin inwhile it may seem unlikely which of the currant governing body members do you feel would be most likely to defect?
i know it is a loaded question.. what about wealthy anthony morris iii?
or mark sanderson or geoffrey jackson?
When Ray Franz left the GB (still an active JW), things were different then. He had a friend who was able to give him a place to live and employment to support himself. The disassociated status of his friend was a non issue.. at first, anyway.
Any GB member today has presumably spent most of his adult life at Bethel. It's unlikely he has any wordly contacts so if he were to defect he would have no safety net. No JW would hire him or give him a place to live.
Any GB member even rolling the idea around in his head would have to be assured in advance that someone would be there to catch him, offer him a room, job, something... anything.
Kingdomhalls taking panera bread for 'charitable work' for themselves.......
by EndofMysteries ina kingdomhall near me consistantly is getting stocked w/ day old panera bread, loaves of bread, muffins, etc.
they all sit in the back room for anyone in the hall to grab all they want.
an elder told me they give them to charities so that's how they get it.
Anony Mous, I thought bread had a shelf life of at least two or three days (without preservatives).
I used to do volunteer work for an inner city food bank before becoming a JW and they always had day old... sometimes a few days old bread in the hopper. Unless you have an active pest problem, older bread is not, by definition, bad.
I'm sure there are some lower income families benefiting from the Panera bread at the KH. But syphoning charitable donations for your own private club is in poor taste. That bread needs to go to an organization that distributes SPECIFICALLY to those in need.
brazen conduct, dissensions
by hoser inas predicted by jwn loose conduct has been replaced by brazen conduct.
galations 5:19 2 peter 2:2 .
a catch all phrase for apostates.
The Reasoning book tells us to check several other translations in order to weed out sloppy or "weak" translation work.
It is true that some translations of the Bible adhere more closely to what is in the original languages than others do. Modern paraphrase Bibles have taken liberties that at times alter the original meaning. Some translators have allowed personal beliefs to color their renderings. But these weaknesses can be identified by comparison of a variety of translations.
Jesus Christ is King even before 1914 so Why the Need to...
by ProfCNJ ingood morning folks!
i have believed in the 1914 jw core teaching for more than 20 years.
but now, after seeing much about this date, i find it uncomfortable and odd to believe it unquestionably, much less defend it against opposing thoughts.
I can't find the scripture right now but there is a prophecy in Isaiah referring to an accomplishment that Jesus would make (dying faithfully, I think) and the prophesy was presented in the past tense as if it had already been accomplished - so confident was God in His son's ability.
Reading some of the quotes above I couldn't help but wonder if those were also prophesies presented in a current setting. The answer, of course, is irrelevant. His kinship is (or will be) and that is that. All this invisible hogwash is wearisome. It has never come with a credible explanation and certainly never had a shred of evidence.
Arrived invisibly! I'm gonna try that at work someday.
If God knows how we are wired, Why punish people for being gay?
by suavojr ini just finished reading this story on yahoo, two comments stick out and cannot comprehend why can't we just show true love and stop beign hurtful to our flesh and blood.
so yes, if god made us and knows how we are wired how can god kill a person for beign gay when they did not choose to be gay?
why the more religious a person is, the more fanatical?.
Yadda, you say 1% of gays are born that way, confirming the fact gays do come hard-wired.
Now it's time to back up your little number.
We Cleaned Out A Hoarding Pioneer's House and Discovered Boxes of Lies! What To Do?
by AuntConnie ini was doing some mild cleaning for one of the local hoarding witness sisters; her house was going to be condemned so we all got together trying to get her house in order because she does not have any worldly family willing to speak to her.
some of the friends decided they would try to guilt her family, her family was very blunt when they said to tell their sister to tell the stealing bitch to go and f-yourself!.
i got in touch with one of her local family members and he was more peaceful and explained why all his family members hated her.
Sorry AuntConnie, I got the impression the extent of her "behavior" was just being discovered upon entering her home. I understand that all the effort in the world cannot fix the underlying problem.
Although not a hoarder, we had a brother in the congregation where I grew up who probably should have been institutionalized but was ... somewhat functional. The brothers and sisters would take turns cleaning his home. He could make his meals, take a shower and get dressed but had no other concept of cleanliness, including a casual attitude toward using the toilet.
It was disgusting and a huge burden.
Have any of you ex elders ever seeked out those you previously disfellowshipped?
by EndofMysteries ini was curious if any of you who were part of judicial committees and disfellowshipped any ever after learning ttatt tried to look up those who were dfed and never returned, etc, or who are still dfed.
if so, tell us how it went.
"Hey Joe, I'm sorry I destroyed your family. Pals?"
We Cleaned Out A Hoarding Pioneer's House and Discovered Boxes of Lies! What To Do?
by AuntConnie ini was doing some mild cleaning for one of the local hoarding witness sisters; her house was going to be condemned so we all got together trying to get her house in order because she does not have any worldly family willing to speak to her.
some of the friends decided they would try to guilt her family, her family was very blunt when they said to tell their sister to tell the stealing bitch to go and f-yourself!.
i got in touch with one of her local family members and he was more peaceful and explained why all his family members hated her.
All of sister Hoarders behavior aside, how did the representatives of "God's spirit directed" organization not know the conditions this woman was living in? No visits? No shepherding calls? If the woman was a special pioneer... even just a high-hour publisher, that would have the effect of putting her in the spotlight to some extent. How did all this go under the radar?
Need article about looking to the slave rather than Christ for salvation
by Bonnie_Clyde ini thought there was something recently.
clyde says he needs it soon to show a friend, and i don't know where to find it.
can i get it off ?