Pure genious.
What could possibly go wrong?
i haven't turned in a report for months now.
but if the elders start on me to go back out in the ministry i was thinking of giving an anti witness instead.
by which i mean rather than the mags i could tell the house holder about the "loving provision of disfellowshipping" or maybe read them some of the many scriptures were god tells his people to commit ethnic cleansing, total genocide and raping of the captured girls.
Pure genious.
What could possibly go wrong?
so we have the english convention this week.
a bunch of families whom i know but have not seen in a few years are attending.
they are not assigned but got a group together to visit the city and attend a day or two of the convention.
Of course the Watchtower Corp. isn't going to broadcast it, and given the limited exposure of the story through international news outlets... you'd almost have to be looking for it to find it.
I was talking to another ex-JW who, when I mentioned the RC, told me she knew nothing of it. I also know she is not plugged in to any ex-JW discussion forums, facebook, etc... I think it stands that the only people who really know anything about it are the people who have an active interest in digging up dirt on the Watchtower, along with any on the sly JWs who might rub elbows with "apostates" in various internet forums.
program sponsors child's medical procedure .
indiana, usa.
Years ago I found myself with an extra sum of money during District Convention season for our area. Knowing we had a few in our congregation that were struggling, I approached an elder and asked if there was a fund in place that was used for helping local brothers get to the convention city or pay for lodging, etc... I got such a look of suspicion and it almost seemed like his face went into slow motion.... "Whyyyyy...?", he asked.
I quickly put it together that he thought _ I _ was asking for money and he was extremely uncomfortable with it. That made ME extremely uncomfortable so I quickly added, "I just wanted to pitch in to help the LOCAL brothers but I don't know what the arrangement is."
I gleaned from that experience that charitable giving is not a comfortable arrangement or topic inside "God's Christian congregation."
via /r/exjw.
15:45 "Some of the friends will say, 'what's the process?'... So what we do, BECAUSE THE GOVERNING BODY'S TIME IS SO VALUABLE AND WE TRY NOT TO WASTE THEIR TIME IN ANY WAY, is we'll try to get what is called a stand in........"
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
now this is embarrassing.. after being cold in the truth for many, many years, and getting back some 2 years ago, my wife and i, decided to auxiliary pioneer last year during the memorial campaign.
we were quite impressed that we made the 30 hrs.. last month, we decide to do it again.
after handing in our application forms, and being approved, our service overseer asks me, "how many hours are you going to do?".
"You do know you got to do 50? This is not a campaign month."
So much for giving from the heart. There be rools 'round here.
not sure if anything will come of this.
but i signed it.. https://www.change.org/p/united-states-attorney-general-investigate-the-watchtower-society-of-jehovah-s-witnesses-re-child-sexual-abuse?recruiter=363165656&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink.
Make that 648 signatures.
I'm happy to add my signature but I have no faith in this gaining traction. The U.S. is afraid to rock it's religious boat. These people demand the right to do just about ANYTHING in the name of religion and the gubberment turns a blind eye to it.
Besides, I think the feds know that if they start snooping around they're going to find a spectrum-wide quagmire they're not ready or willing to acknowledge, let alone address. Religion is such an integral part of government here that the corruption is winked at, not investigated.
Be like asking the government of Iran to investigate abuses from Islam.
Why do you think all these whacko religious movements have their roots in America?
... and it bumped into a concrete wall.
you know what he said?.
by: rick morton .
from: the australian .
about a month ago i posted what had happened to two elderly sisters who were reprimanded by a couple of elders for crying because the jw broadcasting was going to be stopped at the kingdom hall and it was up to each publisher to learn how to use the internet.
if you recall the sisters got together with my mom and talked about it and it resulted in all of them declining to make meals for the pioneers.
here is the link.