Sure why not. I don't have any plans for the rest of the day.
JoinedPosts by micheal
Do You Want To Be In Love
by Stacy Smith ini am curious about this.
i'm just 20 but i've been sexually active from a fairly young age and i've dated for a few years now.
i have never felt i was in love with anyone.
JWs are not brain damaged, but heart damaged!
by Joyzabel inive been trying to tell my kids to be patient with the jws that they knew and with family that still are jws.
especially when the shunning is in full force.
i was excusing it as brain damaged because we couldnt reason with them or get through the mental block they have.
Jehovah's Witnesses cotinue to do the unthinkable. Shunning their own children. These are the same people that put an incredible amount of pressure on a 12 year old to get baptized,
because they love Jehovahbecause they don't want to look like bad parents to the rest of the congregation. Yet when 12 year old grows up and says hey this religion is coo-coo, the parents shun him. I don't care what crazy and perverse spin they put on it, if a parent is to shun their own child then they are truly heartless. But then again they do what they claim every other religion does, blame God. -
haunted houses
by free will inso, that spooky season is almost upon us again.
how many of you, will go on haunted house tours or delve into anything spiritistic?
i mean we don't want the demons to attach to us, do we?!
For the first time ever I am going to hand out candy from my house. Yes gone are the days of shutting off all the lights and hiding downstairs. Yes gone are the days of hearing how little adorable children are worshipping demons because they have a white sheet over them with two eye openings going door to door saying "trick or treat". I think I am going to buy a pretty cool costume this year and join the billions in
worshipping demonseating candy. -
I spoke my mind!
by basics-for-me inhaven't been here for a while now...well had a look on a couple of occasions but that's it.. just wanted to share an experience that happened earlier on this evening.. the elder and wife that "brought us in" came around to dump their shit on us..namely the wt/a.
after a brief exchange on life's trivialities,(as they do)!
i siezed my opportunity to give them some shit back.
They asked if it was worthwhile returning to bring more wt/a mags, I told them no and they could take that backdated pile of eight that they had already tried to dump conveniently on my table.
Without hesitation they jumped up from their seats, grabbed their pearls....(garbage) and left.
So bottom line if you read their magazines your worth the time to help. If you decide not to read their magazines your pretty much a waste of time. CAN THERE BE ANOTHER GROUP ON THIS ENTIRE PLANET THAT IS SO BRAINWASHED AND NARROW MINDED IN THEIR THINKING THEN JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES?
They really do sicken me. They have about as much humanity and genuine care as a monkey taking a dump.
What scriptures do JW's quote that annoy you?
by doodle-v inor mis-quote... that's even worse.
the one that bugs the hell out of me that my mom would always quote is "out of the mouths of babes" .
regular wine-eer
I think this scripture has such a hold on most jw's. "God will never let you go through anything you can't bear". This scripture has helped millions live miserable lives.
Adam and Eve---Mere Myth ?
by Blueblades in.
even when we dismiss the bible,belief in an original paradise that was lost because of sin was wide-spread among the ancient babylonians,assyrians, egyptians,and others.common to many accounts was a tree of life the fruit of which would confer eternal life on those partaking of mankind remembera that something tragic happened in eden.. scientists acknowledge that the human race is a single family with a common origin.. so,bible or not,could there be any truth,proof,about this event,is it possible to have eternal life on earth or, are the stories among the ancients only myths?.
It sounds like something from a child's fairly tale book. Snakes talking to humans, Woman created from a rib, tree of this, tree of that, perfection lost SO EASILY, Satan, Demons. Is there anything that happens today that happend during the time of Adam and Eve?
Applying for a job, did you tell interviewers that you were a JW ???
by run dont walk inwhen going for a interview, did you tell the interviewer that you were a jw , and couldn't work meeting nights.
did you think being theocratic would help you get the job ???.
or were you the type to take the job, so you could miss the meetings.
I never said anything. I mean I wanted the job and saying that I can never work Tuesday Thursday nights and Sundays isn't going to help my cause all that much. Unless of course the elders want to pay my mortgage for me.
Too young to pioneer
by freedom96 ini was talking with an old friend of mine who had gone to the assembly just a couple of weeks ago.. he told me the story of a young boy, who went with his mother door to door all his life, from a very young age.
apparantly, the boy was upset when his mother when to pioneer school without him back when he was 4 years old or so.
but, of course, he was too young to attend the school, so his mother went without him.. the boy is now 11, a regular pioneer, baptized, and very disappointed for he will not be allowed to go to pioneer school until he reaches the minimum age, 16.. what a fine example everyone!!.
While everyone else his age is playing baseball and riding their bikes, this poor guy is selling religion door to door after school. I am sure when he is older he will look back to this and have alot of animosity for starting adulthood at age 11. Holy s**t that is so ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like advice from the women on this forum
by Eric ini don't believe i've ever started a topic here before.. ladies, ever wanted to play "matchmaker" or "advice for the lovelorn"?
well, i've got a situation that has me going in circles.
it's something i'm also talking about with the realtime women friends in my life, and they've been just great, but there is also huge resource of fabulous women here on jwd that will know about that other intangible aspect of our x-jw involvement and how it affects people, relationships and families, that the women i know will never quite grasp.. it is not, however, something i choose to discuss here.
From a totally nuetral perspective. Wow people were really quick to jump on you Eric, what's next tarred and feathered. My goodness?!
Celebs you look like
by berylblue inokay, so i got annoyed yesterday when someone told me i looked like debra winger.
i find her most unfeminine and unattractive.
but it doesn't piss me off half as much as when i'm told i look like liza minelli.
People say I bear a strong resemblance to Ben Affleck - ok where's Jennifer than?