Nice thread min. Without a doubt it has hurt them, it's not a big wound but it has the potential to be. I know when I was having doubts the first place I went to was the internet. And it solidified my doubts with a lot of proof that I needed to have. Then from there I left. Let's hope it happens to millions more.
JoinedPosts by micheal
Has The Internet REALLY Hurt Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus inthe watchtower society tries to "demonize" the internet.
what damage do you think the internet has caused on the jehovah's witness religion??
Do you respect God?
by micheal inyou know the saying, you have to earn respect.
has god earned it?
thousands of years of human suffering does it all for me.
I really believe that no one wants to be left alone. It's much more about what to believe, and who to trust. I just think that there countless better ways to communicate to humankind than a book that thousands of different religions have interpretations of.
So quite honestly I don't think people are to blame nearly as much a religionists think they should be.
Do you respect God?
by micheal inyou know the saying, you have to earn respect.
has god earned it?
thousands of years of human suffering does it all for me.
Some may argue that God didn't create the human society the way it has been for so long, but he allowed it. Which to me is the same thing. If someone has the power to change something for the better, but instead they just watch and do nothing, they are equally as guilty as the person who caused it.
I.E. If someone pushed a little child into a lake and walked away, then a few seconds later you came along and did nothing at all to save that child, you would be just as guilty as the one who pushed the child in. So in reality, God is like that man who just watched that child drown and did nothing about it - I don't understand how anyone can respect something like that.
How true is this about JW's?
by Beans in.
what is sociologically interesting about jehovah's witnesses is that they derive psychological satisfaction from perceiving a coherant pattern in there beliefs regardless of possible inner inconsistencies, and that, even if they do notice inconssistencies, they can abrogate personal responsibility for there own belief in the safe conviction that someone, somewhere in the watchtower society must be able to solve the problem.. by james beckford.
Very true, because they are brainwashed. And security can have a very strong hold on people, and that is something the wt provides, no matter how controlling they can be.
Do you respect God?
by micheal inyou know the saying, you have to earn respect.
has god earned it?
thousands of years of human suffering does it all for me.
You know the saying, you have to earn respect. Has God earned it? Thousands of years of human suffering does it all for me. I don't respect him. Now I am not asking if he exists or do you love him. Do you respect him? And if you do, why?
Do you regret ever getting baptized
by ikhandi inthousand of witnesses do it every year and for what they believe are good reasons.
i did it because i was pressured by elders.
its interesting to note how elders can target young people into committing their life to something they really know nothing about.
I was very happy for my devotion to god. But very unhappy it was with an angry, murderous cult.
If you knew there was no reward for serving God would you still serve him?
by Happythoughts in.
do you think most people would serve him?
I think it's rather amusing how people apply theories for Jesus that they would never apply to anyone else in history, simply because the ramifications of his resurrection being true means that We Are Not Alone Afterall.
No that doesn't apply to me. First of all, I have my doubts about everyone I have never met. The longer one is dead the more exaggerated their life is. They are now greater than they really were. Now I am not saying this applies to Jesus, what I am saying is that I do have my doubts about people who have long died. The thing with Jesus is that he attached himself to things no one else had ever done before or since. Now one person would say, "see that makes him special" or someone else would say,"you see, too good too be true." It all comes down to personal opinion.
And as regards the "ramifications" you refer to, that is similiar to the old JW line" athesists do not want to believe in a creator because they do not want to be accountable". Yeah whatever, I WOULD LOVE TO BE ACCOUNTABLE. I WOULD LOVE NOT TO BE ALONE AFTERALL. But it really seems like God just is not trying hard enough to make us want to believe. And quite frankly I will not change my life so drastically for something that has a million question marks all around it. If God were on a football team he would have been cut long ago.
If you knew there was no reward for serving God would you still serve him?
by Happythoughts in.
do you think most people would serve him?
Your very right ash, reading the Bible, right from beginning to end it has the fingerprints of men all over it. I really expected something much more divine, superior, worthy. But instead it has the looks of some guy named "Frank Smith" on it.
If you knew there was no reward for serving God would you still serve him?
by Happythoughts in.
do you think most people would serve him?
Would anyone here EVER subject humankind to go through this hell we have been in since our extistance?
I don't think anyone ever would. Yet your "great god" sure has no problem with it.
And the only reason anyone makes so many excuses for God is for one reason only, FEAR.
If I dare say anything against him, he will kill me. Which proves he is the most insecure person ever.
If you knew there was no reward for serving God would you still serve him?
by Happythoughts in.
do you think most people would serve him?
b) I know I'm forgiven for all the wrong things I DID do.
If you are saying that God has forgiven you - how do you KNOW? Because someone else told you so? Because your conscience told you so? Did God tell you with his own voice? Did he tell you this over a cup of tea? Did the two of you go for beer and wings together and then he told you this?
That's what is so insane about all of this. People who are very religioulsy inclined say I KNOW this will happen, I KNOW that will happen. But why did God create us with eyes and a brain when none of us have seen anything happen?