They started a rumour about me that I was pregnant. Oh yes, I'm a dude.
And fit - go figure
blondie's comments in the thread about jim penton's upcoming book got me thinking.
she was talking about the jw rumour mill.
i've been out (dfed) since 1995 and have only set foot in a kh for my brother's wedding.
They started a rumour about me that I was pregnant. Oh yes, I'm a dude.
And fit - go figure
what the hell is the big deal about the circuit overseer's visit?
why does everyone have to drag their bible students and in active friends and family members to the meeting during that week?.
it is so lame and hypocritical.
although I was laughing because the elder carrying on was SOOOOO stupid
lmao - I know exactly what you mean!
many skeptics assert that the bible must be wrong, because they claim that the ark could not possibly have carried all the different types of animals.
Question: How did God fit a brain into your head?
Answer: hmmmmmmmm, let's see, oh God didn't create you with a brain
what the hell is the big deal about the circuit overseer's visit?
why does everyone have to drag their bible students and in active friends and family members to the meeting during that week?.
it is so lame and hypocritical.
Did you ever notice during those elders meetings with the C.O whenever the C.O made a funny ( even though it wasn't ) every elder would suddenly come up with this huge belly laugh. Gimme a friggin break.
my husband was baptised right after he turned 11 years old.
this was highly unusual in his congregation (not sure what the average age is) as most people were at least 16 or 17 before they took the fatal plunge.
by the time my husband was 16, he realized what a huge mistake it was as he no longer wanted to have anything to do with it.
The earlier they lock you in the more control they have over you. That's what it's all about. Very, very evil.
well i did .....all the time.
it always bothered me that i couldn't even stay awake to thank my god.
i found out later many did the same.
I would pray, " Jehovah thank you for this day of life and for th.. w.d. .... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz."
what the hell is the big deal about the circuit overseer's visit?
why does everyone have to drag their bible students and in active friends and family members to the meeting during that week?.
it is so lame and hypocritical.
The C.O visit is much like the Super Bowl. The hype is much greater than the experience.
dubs always point back to genisis as a last resort and say ....well he created them to live forever, it was his original purpose.. where does it say that?.
genisis says that they were to multiply and fill the earth not that they would live forever.
if they were to live forever what was the tree of life for?.
Looking at everything around us it is very obvious we as physical creatures were not meant and cannot live forever. But I am starting to believe that something beyond our physical can continue to live on. At least I hope so anyway.
the bible teaches that there is a redeemer for fallen humans...........
.................but not for the fallen angels.
any ideas?
So you are saying god let adam live about an extra 900 years untill sin took him overand he died, but god is letting these angels live a whole lot longer than Adam and Eve, about 4000 years, and then one day he'll just kill them all?
I'm not saying this actually happend or that I agree with it. This is just the only explanation out there.
Of course jw's would say that the "fallen angels" have lived so much longer to test us poor humans and provide us this "wonderful" oppurtunity to prove the devil a liar.
my finace recently started work at a wage which will take me years to reach even though our qualifications will be about the same.
many women have claimed that the glass ceiling exists and that women are paid less for the same jobs that men do.. what reasons explain this in your mind?
is it because women might have children?
First off, it is totally unfair and it is wrong. There is absolutley no reason whatsoever that a man should get more pay than a woman if they have similiar jobs. Basically, though women have taken many giant steps over the last number of years and have broken down many barriers, it is still "a man's world".
As a man who's mom is his hero, I would love nothing more than women gaining greater oppurtunity in the workplace, especially when it comes to pay. Hopefully this process will speed up and take on greater momentum.