When you were a dub.....did you ever fall asleep when you prayed in bed?

by gumby 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby

    Well I did .....all the time. It always bothered me that I couldn't even stay awake to thank my god. I found out later many did the same. It now makes me wonder how REAL Jehovah was to me that I would fall asleep talking to him. We don't fall asleep when talking to our loved one in bed. Why did we to god?


  • Sassy

    Yes I did. I felt guilty and bad about it but i don't think it had anything to do with my feelings for God. I just think I was burning a candle at too many ends and was just plain wore out and too tired to stay awake!!

  • freedom96

    Eyes closed, laying down, amazing anyone stays awake!

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    One of the best ways to get to sleep, I always found...

    Bothered me till I figured it wasn't really a prayer till you said 'In Jesus name, Amen' at the end... then I was just glad to get to sleep quicker

    Even when I believed, I usually felt silly praying, especially the ritualistic one for meals at home.

  • Aztec
    We don't fall asleep when talking to our loved one in bed.

    We don't?


  • gumby


    Now how did I know someone was going to say that?


    LOL. It was a good sleeping pill wasn't it?


    I agree. I don't think it had anything to do with our feelings for god......but I still have to wonder if he was REAL ENOUGH, would we still have fallen asleep?


  • Elsewhere

    I would pray asking Jehover to help me not to naughty things to myself at night... this always led to my doing naughty things.

  • darkuncle29

    What sort of naughty things?

  • shamus

    I always feel asleep when I was in the middle of... HEY!

    Where's the dammed edit button....

  • Wolfgirl

    I used to fall asleep all the time. I felt really guilty about it. But after a while, I felt like I was saying the same things all the time in my prayers anyway. Nothing in my life ever changed, so it didn't seem that my prayers ever changed. After a while, I didn't feel anyone was really listening to me anyway.

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