sorry triple post
JoinedPosts by micheal
You Should all be Listening to The W?T Now!!!
by Latte ini have done load of washing, cleaning, getting school uniform ready - (and all that goes with that) this sunday morning.
what a chunck out of your day attending the kh was!
i remember being so tired after sunday activities: make sandwiches for fs, get kids ready, get to kh.
You Should all be Listening to The W?T Now!!!
by Latte ini have done load of washing, cleaning, getting school uniform ready - (and all that goes with that) this sunday morning.
what a chunck out of your day attending the kh was!
i remember being so tired after sunday activities: make sandwiches for fs, get kids ready, get to kh.
sorry double post
You Should all be Listening to The W?T Now!!!
by Latte ini have done load of washing, cleaning, getting school uniform ready - (and all that goes with that) this sunday morning.
what a chunck out of your day attending the kh was!
i remember being so tired after sunday activities: make sandwiches for fs, get kids ready, get to kh.
Incredible isn't it that we did all of these things faithfully for so many years yet at every meeting, every assembly, every sheperding call they told us to do even more!!! It wasn't enough to tire our bodies, they had to tire our minds to.
Leaving that unthankful and unfaithful organization feels like paradise.
jayjay is my herohero!!!
What God Really Wants
by Farkel ini am thoroughly conviced that if the bible is to be believed as it is written, then god has gone out of his way to want all humans to be atheists.
he goes out of his way to convince people he couldn?t possibly exist, and if he does exist, he wants no one to follow him.
with the exception of the books of job, daniel and ezekiel almost all the other books of the old testament are full of gore, murder and genocide either from god himself, or upon the direct orders of god.
Aguest, are you stoned? Sounds like you been smoking some of the sweet stuff.
current JW's, asking a question...
by jwbot inare there any current jehovahs witnesses here?.
what are your reasons for being here?
to find like minded people?
This is a really great thread jwbot!! I am having a great time reading everyone's respones. Very educational.
Who On This Board Has Been Out The Longest?
by SanFranciscoJim in.
just curious....... i was disfellowshipped in may 1980, more than 23 years ago..
Important question, need answer to
by micheal inwhat is the worst thing that can happen if a brother/sister moved in with a worldy person?
both are of the same gender.
can there be reproof, elders meetings, loss of privledges?
Hey Mustang your so right about that. I appreciate your good advice and experience. I will defiantley pass this one to the person involved. -
Important question, need answer to
by micheal inwhat is the worst thing that can happen if a brother/sister moved in with a worldy person?
both are of the same gender.
can there be reproof, elders meetings, loss of privledges?
Actually Badger it helped alot!! Hey thanks alot.
Important question, need answer to
by micheal inwhat is the worst thing that can happen if a brother/sister moved in with a worldy person?
both are of the same gender.
can there be reproof, elders meetings, loss of privledges?
Actually jwbot and lady lee thanks for good advice, I really do appreciate it, honestly.