Thanx Min. Too bad isn't it, that this is only recognized after a person leaves, which really goes to show all witnesses are very controlled if not brainwashed.
JoinedPosts by micheal
How Will History Treat The Jehovah's Witness Religion?
by minimus injust as presidents and prime ministers think about how history will view them, one must wonder what legacy the watchtower society aka jehovah's witnesses, will have.
to some, the witness religion is so irrelevant that whatever happens, it means nothing.
yet, they have been in existence for over 100 years and according to their records, are still going strong......what will history or what does history say about this religion??
Basketball and JW's
by lastcall inwhen i was a jw it was pretty much a weekly thing in the cold weather months for different congregations(actually someone within the congregation) to rent a gym for th bros to play ball.
i really like playing ball.
when i left, that as something i actually missed.
Playing hockey with other witnesses there was ALWAYS arguing, very competitive spirit, cursing and sometimes fights. While at the same time there was this spirt of "watch yourself because you have privlidges and I will tell on you attitude if you messed up in any way". Always holding this threat before you.
I just joined a community hockey league with absolutley NO BROTHERS at all. Honestly it is absolutely amazing!!! These guys are much, much better people than any jw's I have ever known. They are mature, easygoing and "normal". They know how to treat other people with respect, something jw's have always lacked in. How wonderful it is for worldlings to play together.
How Will History Treat The Jehovah's Witness Religion?
by minimus injust as presidents and prime ministers think about how history will view them, one must wonder what legacy the watchtower society aka jehovah's witnesses, will have.
to some, the witness religion is so irrelevant that whatever happens, it means nothing.
yet, they have been in existence for over 100 years and according to their records, are still going strong......what will history or what does history say about this religion??
Jehovah's Witnesses are very irrelevant. People just don't know much about them and people really don't care to know much about them. They are just another religion that exists on our planet. Jehovah's Witnesses are only legends in their own mind.
by integ ina jw relative brought out something i actually had to agree with.
we were discussing positive vs. negative aspects of the "truth".
she brought out that the witnesses do not participate in war, and i thought 'gee, that's probably a good thing'.
They have clean cars?
Single Incident
by Paradise Found in.
"which single incident do you consider to be most responsible for you leaving the the org"
For me it wasn't any one incident but a whole barrage of incidents that just overwhelmed me. Basically it just felt like no one cared about me anymore. They just cared about how many meetings I was at or how much time I got in service, everything became very hollow and very cold, very quickly.
OMG They are doing commercials now!?
by flower ini just finished watching martha stewart and after it went off there was a set of commercials before the news came on and i swear i just saw a commercial from the christian congregation of jehovahs' witnesses!.
it was about raising your children with knowledge and love.
it showed a teen girl on the internet in a chat room with a person who had become her best friend and wanted to meet her in person and they said something like if it seems too good to be true it is..'love builds happy familys' was the slogan or something.. .
Jehovah's Witnesses wouldn't know what real love was if it came up and bit them in the ass!!!!
OMG They are doing commercials now!?
by flower ini just finished watching martha stewart and after it went off there was a set of commercials before the news came on and i swear i just saw a commercial from the christian congregation of jehovahs' witnesses!.
it was about raising your children with knowledge and love.
it showed a teen girl on the internet in a chat room with a person who had become her best friend and wanted to meet her in person and they said something like if it seems too good to be true it is..'love builds happy familys' was the slogan or something.. .
Love bulids happy families until you disagree with me, then mommy and daddy shun you for the rest of your life.
Fearlove bulidscontrollinghappy families. -
How would you prefer the JWs to think of you, A, B, or C ?
by logansrun ini ran into my df'd, trying to get back into the dubs, uncle and my jw cousin the other day.
i was coming out of a movie theatre with my "worldly" girlfriend.
after a couple pleasantries we departed and they finished cleaning the theatre's windows .
I don't know what they think of me but I think of them as A, B and C .
Who's Going to Toronto November 15th?
by pettygrudger infirming up plans - is the meet-up saturday night?
(pm me with the details).
need to make my hotel reservations, as well as others that would like to find somewhere to stay.. who's all gonna be there?
I'll hopefully be there .
Are You Surprised By How Few Witnesses Have Called You???
by minimus ini've had a few people just recently call or try to visit with me and let me know that we are "missed".
but in reality, the phone hardly ever rings with a witnesses calling on the other end to see how we are.
after spending a lifetime in the organization, it would seem that this couldn't happen......but, i'm glad i'm not getting harrassed either.......did you get calls and visits from those that "missed" you??
I've been gone almost a year and ONE person has called me, but you can be certain alot have talked behind my back.