Just as presidents and prime ministers think about how history will view them, one must wonder what legacy the Watchtower Society aka Jehovah's Witnesses, will have. To some, the Witness religion is so irrelevant that whatever happens, it means nothing. Yet, they have been in existence for over 100 years and according to their records, are still going strong......What will history or what does history say about this religion???
How Will History Treat The Jehovah's Witness Religion?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
A jw friend of mine once came up with this scenario: A Star Trek episode in which the jw religion is breifly discussed as a 20th Century movement that died out.
Maybe that's all it'll be - a little footnote.
Maybe in a movie similar to: "The Guyana Tragedy - The Jim Jones Story"
Mimimus...... depends how long has this system got to go........after that...who knows
We are not that old so we will see the outcome of that religion, either true or false.
And if it turns out to be true, you can still count me out.
Perhaps they'll remember it as an American-born doomsday group who somehow managed to survive more than one-half of a century after the failure of its most notorious 1975 end-of-the-world prophecy. They'll also be remembered as a group who made one pronounciation of the divine name very unpopular.
The fact is that most people don't think about much of anything, especially what we are worrying about that they are thinking.
That being said, I don't think most people give the witnesses any thought now, and will not a hundred years from now.
I believe this religion will probably last for at least another lifetime (not because the system ends and paradise is here). The JW religion is here to stay because there will always be a doomsday religion to sucker people. The only people that don't seem to know that they have been snookered are the Witnesses. The rest of the world can EASILY see that the JW religion is not THE true religion.
LOL....you are so funny Minimus..... too funny. In fact in a funny sort of way, I'm getting to quite like you.