They will come back on a paradise earth.
I understand where your coming, but I think I would rather stay on the moon.
president bush said that they would go back to the moon by 2015 and build a space station there.
from there, they could send man to mars one day.. .
They will come back on a paradise earth.
I understand where your coming, but I think I would rather stay on the moon.
president bush said that they would go back to the moon by 2015 and build a space station there.
from there, they could send man to mars one day.. .
But won't Armageddon be here before that?
can you see the headlines?
toronto maple leafs win stanley cup!!!!!.
yonge st. will be closed after the all night victory bash, the first such bash since 1967!
Micheal, I hate you.~Aztec
but..but..what did I do?
can you see the headlines?
toronto maple leafs win stanley cup!!!!!.
yonge st. will be closed after the all night victory bash, the first such bash since 1967!
Edited to ask: Any Avs fans out there?
Actually they're my second favorite team ( a distant second )
If the leafs don't win it all ( which btw they will) I hope the Avs do - favorite player - Joe Sakic!!
can you see the headlines?
toronto maple leafs win stanley cup!!!!!.
yonge st. will be closed after the all night victory bash, the first such bash since 1967!
The average age of the Wings is 31. Kind of young to start taking geritol wouldn't you say? Did you take yours this morning?
LOL - I guess I should have said their star players are much much much older. I mean I think those guys played on the same team as Ebbie Goodfellow.
can you see the headlines?
toronto maple leafs win stanley cup!!!!!.
yonge st. will be closed after the all night victory bash, the first such bash since 1967!
All cities with sports teams must have some level of shame
cough............... tigers
This year we'll get our 11th and we'll be tied with the Leafs.
Only if they avoid breaking their hips and continue taking their geritol.
can you see the headlines?
toronto maple leafs win stanley cup!!!!!.
yonge st. will be closed after the all night victory bash, the first such bash since 1967!
The Maple Leafs actually make it through the play-offs (which we know won't happen - they have a long history of choking don't ya know!
hey folks!.
for those of you near to me, you've probably noticed, i have changed my looks.. yup, i decided, has been an on-going project: i'm growing a beard.. it's not your typical beard, i am trying to sculp it to some degree.. honestly: i hate shaving!
at the same time, i am trying to do something interesting.
I prefer the clean shaven look on myself - I went a week without shaving, couldn't stand it.
But what a great shave I had after a week of growth, it was like taking off buttah.
when i was studying[ but baptised ]at my home some 20years ago ,with an elder from our hall, i asked him a question about christians wearing a cross .to me it was a symble of rememberence,a sacrafice.
i asked why jws dont, or wont wear a symble of jesus dieing on a stack either on their neck or in their home ,a symble of rememberence?
his reply was" if a loved one died in a car accident would you wear a rememberence of the car around youre neck?
That is in the jw robot response handbook.
Most jw's reply with words like this without really thinking - they are progammed.
can you see the headlines?
toronto maple leafs win stanley cup!!!!!.
yonge st. will be closed after the all night victory bash, the first such bash since 1967!
Walter, we'll invite you down to Ottawa to see the parade!
Their having a parade for the Leafs in Ottawa too? Wow this is going to be big!!!