I think this is a very interesting question, but I'm not sure how to answer it. Having left the org three years ago I feel that I am well on the way to recovery, however, I am human and inevitably there are times when I look back at life and feel that I wasted more than twenty precious years of my life.
I first became involved with the JWs when I was 35 I'm now 59 I was probably arounf 55 when I finally stopped fooling myself about the org, although to be fair I had felt pretty sceptical about all the inaccuracies, false prophecies etc. that JWs are supposed to take in their stride for many a long year.
The thing that makes me feel really sad from time to time is remembering the real lack of genuine love and genuine friendship within the org. I was a "sister in a divided home" I'm sure many of you will know how far down the pecking order that put me. I have to say I keep asking myself why I didn't see through it all much sooner. I gave up all my friends on the"outside" when I became a Witness, only to have them replaced by people who merely patronised me; patted me on the head when I did well in the ministry but otherwise ignored me.
I think the thing that bothers me most is that even though in my heart of hearts I knew this couldn't be Gods organization I didn't get out sooner - when I would have been young enough to make something of my life - my life that God gave to me and that I foolishly handed over to an organization who for all their weasle words actually don't care tuppence about real people.
I suppose sometimes I feel angry, but mostly when I think about being a witness at all, which these days is not that often I just feel sad and very very stupid!!!!!!!
lots of love to my virtual friends La-bella