Why is it that as Witnesses we are instructed not to use the Internet, or email?
Because there will exist a hard copy that can come back to bite them. They avoid like the plague putting anything in writing as it removes all deniability
if everybody watches what you do--they will notice all your mistakes.. the same is true of religions and religious leaders.. http://theevangelists.blogspot.com/2011/04/hall-of-shame.html.
too much exposure proved disastrous for jimmy swaggert, bob tilton, rev.
haggard, peter popoff.
Why is it that as Witnesses we are instructed not to use the Internet, or email?
Because there will exist a hard copy that can come back to bite them. They avoid like the plague putting anything in writing as it removes all deniability
since many years the nov public wt has only one color and no picture on the front cover.. very strange.
so the design department saves time and can go from door to door ...... .
download: http://download.jw.org/files/media_magazines/42/wp_e_20141101.pdf.
I must say that racism is NOT something I've ever come across here among the J dubs
I have seen and experienced they very opposite in the UK.
Satan invisible? In the 'What Does the Bible Really Teach?' book in chapter 3 Satan has the very visible hand of a white male.
As I suspected..
British forensic experts have concluded that the ISIS beheading video involving James Foley was in all likelihood staged using “camera trickery and slick post-production techniques.”
An international forensic science company which does work for police forces across Britain found that, “James Foley’s execution may have been staged, with the actual murder taking place off-camera,” reports the Telegraph.
The experts noted that despite Foley’s executioner appearing to draw a knife across the neck area at least six times, no blood is seen. The video itself does not show the actual beheading, merely a still image which purports to show Foley’s decapitated head resting on his body.
“Aymenn al-Tamimi, a fellow at the Middle East Forum think-tank, remarked that ISIS has greatly improved their video production over the last few years,” reports the Inquisitr. “Techniques to fake a beheading would not be difficult for them to manage, and the video doesn’t exactly leave their failures on the hidden: Despite six slashing motion to James’ neck, no blood can be seen in the video; Foley’s reaction seems to be very disconnected with what is actually occurring, the analysts said.”
This point was also covered in our analysis which emphasized how calm and collected Foley appeared to be as he read out his statement, a demeanor completely contradictory to the notion that he was about to be brutally executed.
The experts also concluded that a blip in the footage suggests Foley misread one of his lines from the script and had to re-film the sequence.
The obvious question that arises out of this is why ISIS militants, who have quickly developed a global reputation for their barbarity and carelessness for human life, would not simply have beheaded Foley on camera without the need to stage the event.
The only logical conclusion, whether Foley was later killed or not, is that the video was not produced or released by actual ISIS militants but by western intelligence agencies to be used as a casus belli to expand military expansion in the middle east.
For years we have exhaustively documented how so-called Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden and other terrorist propaganda videos were in fact produced by companies working on behalf of the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency.
It has also emerged that the identity of the individual seen staging the murder, one Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, is a former rapper from a wealthy family who left London to fight in Syria. Bary fits the profile of an informant for British security services.
The beheading video has been used as a poster child to push for a renewed U.S. military strike on Syria, a prospect that was derailed last year after it emerged that a supposed chemical weapons attack which was blamed on the Assad government had in all likelihood been carried out by western-backed rebels.
U.S. officials have cited the “new context” for confronting ISIS that was spurred by the release of the Foley beheading video, with Washington signaling its intention on Saturday to prepare a new military assault on Syria.
In our analysis, we pointed out several other factors that clearly suggested the James Foley video was not what it purported to be, including the absence of other militants who normally appear in beheading videos, the lack of references to the Koran and no chants of “Allahu Akbar” as the execution is taking place.
1) take meds for your megalomania and delusions of grandeur.. .
suggestions welcome.. .
All the Christians I know would never use such speech against non-believers, its not in our persona.
But that's just it they do.. look at all the threads of the 'saved' in here.. they start by declaring they are chosen and special and that you can be too, then as they get questioned they simply write off your entire life and label the questioners with a psudo-polite dismissive 'not spiritual enough' or that you have 'not prayed enough' or not been 'sincere enough' or that you have not 'opened their hearts enough' followed by a weak and often insulting retreat.
I call that completely powerless, cowardly and insincere. Not what I would expect of someone who has truly found God and has a relationship with him. They are here to simply flaunt what they do not really have.
i wonder about that and have researched it in prior times but i see so many that are falling apart.
Remove the word 'ideal' and you may stand a chance.
1) take meds for your megalomania and delusions of grandeur.. .
suggestions welcome.. .
It's true.. there are some seriously waste of time threads by people who claim to be best buddies with Jesus and live in then lap of God yet when you ask them how it all works they retreat into the same mental garbage and brain melting traffic jam of utter ridiculousness.
These people have nothing but their own self induced delusions.
hi everyone i'm back from the hell that was twickers.
i have a question, there's a ton a jw related apps available for download.
is it possible for these apps to be able to spy on the user once downloaded on to the tablet or phone?
YES absolutely possible and far more common than most peope realise...
Not sure I believe this. Whole thing smells of fishy..
most random people who knock on the door politely introduce themselves when you open the door.. for example "hello, i'm derick from unicef and i'm looking for donations blah blah blah".
now annoying as it may be for some at least he had the courtesy to introduce himself.. why don't jw's do this?
is it because they are embarressed or perhaps they know you won't take their literature if they do?.
The JWS theology/ideology states that its not themselves personally that matters but the Message they bring to the people..
The source of a message it often just as if not more important than the message.
If you get a bill, a love letter, a cheque or a death threat.. knowing the source can be even more critical than the content. I would think knowing the source of the message that's meant to be the most important life changing message of your entire life is critical. After one is done with the content the next and ever bigger question is 'who' is this from.
Even more so when they have a 130 year history of making things up, getting things massively wrong and just plain lying.
i get tired of using the argument of "the mystery of evil" to attack god but where are we when we see heroic acts of godly courage from great humans like dr. kent bradly and dr. nancy writebols wonderful works of love?
did you listen to dr. kent bradley's concern and loving compassion for west africa?
he's not angry superstitious mobs destroyed several make-shift medical facilities to treat victims of ebola, no, dr. bradly implored the world to "help save west africa".
Now that I too have received the free gift of faith,
"Free Gift of Faith"?
Is faith a gift now? It's not something one can ever aquire alone, it has to be given you? Where does one get it? Does it come from God? So it's something you must ask for? So people who have little or no faith are only people who God imply has not given any? Is that correct?
'Gifts' are often by nature completely unexpected and surprising. For something to be a surprising and unexpected gift it can not be something that has been begged for, pleaded for and even asked for (as in asking in prayer) as then it simply be something asked for would no longer be a 'gift'.
If he has not given them this free 'gift' can they be really held to blame for their lack of faith? And they then get punished too for simply for not having what he did not give them? Is that correct?