Absolutely! Do a simple Google search for jw.org and you will see jwfacts and jwsurvey in 2nd and 3rd position. The curious must definitely be having a look.
JoinedPosts by Dis-Member
Just curious...how did you find Jehovah's Witness Net?
by cultBgone inthe influx of new posters made me wonder if the push to view jw.org is helping curious ones find this support site?.
please post whether you found jwn during an internet search or if someone told you about it.. i myself was directed here by a df'd family member once i shared my doubts with that person..
hello everyone
by purrpurr ini've been browsing the site for some time as things that the society teach just are not adding up much these days.
by exploring some of the threads on here i'm starting to see why.
a brief bio.
Question. Can the society put spyware on my computer when I go to jw.org? I'm frightened they will find out I'm on this site??
No.. I have scanned that site for any and every kind of malicious software, hidden scripts, trackers, bugs and bots and it's come up clean. Your good.
It also gets a clean bill of health from some of the biggest and well known internet/computer security check services.
Blacklist Status
Domain clean by Google Safe Browsing: jw.org Domain clean by Norton Safe Web: jw.org Domain clean on Phish tank: jw.org Domain clean on the Opera browser: jw.org Domain clean by SiteAdvisor: jw.org Domain clean by the Sucuri Malware Labs blacklist: jw.org Domain clean on SpamHaus DBL: jw.org Domain clean by Bitdefender: jw.org Domain clean on Yandex (via Sophos): jw.org Domain clean by ESET: jw.org So unless you leave your IPAD in the hall toilet with this site open you have little to worry about.
hello everyone
by purrpurr ini've been browsing the site for some time as things that the society teach just are not adding up much these days.
by exploring some of the threads on here i'm starting to see why.
a brief bio.
Wow new members popping up fast and thick! I wonder why? Of my original peer group age from my rather short time in the org (about 45 people give or take) 42 are no longer associated with the org. That says a lot.
I wish you well in your search for answers Purrpurr.
Index of my Watchtower Doctrine Threads
by cofty ini just wanted to put links to my watchtower threads all in the same place for my own benefit and future reference.. i wrote these 4 articles almost 20 years ago just after i left the watchtower and before i had encountered any ex-jw books or websites.
they were all based on original research of old wt publications and the nwt bible.. my explanation of why they got it wrong about blood using only the nwt.... i still think this line of reasoning is devastating to the blood doctrine.
i have yet to hear a rational response.. the gospel contrasted with the watchtower doctrine of the ransom.... i wrote this when i was an uber-evangelical.
Thanks Cofty will check these out later.
Perfect Relationship, He Still Broke Up With Me
by tiff21390 inlast month, my best friend of four years and boyfriend of six months came home from a jehovah's witness convention.
he'd been acting strangely the entire weekend and i knew something was wrong.
i initiated a discussion and he said, "essentially our relationship is wrong and i'm not supposed to be with you.
Perfect relationship? Sorry but he sounds more like a coward and a liar and a hypocrite that just used you.
May I ask how old you are please? -
Pioner book 2014
by abner insorry my bad englich i need the new book for pioners , edition 2014 !
in pdf or doc, please!
How to look authentic and speak badly in 20 languages..
Did my heart become untrustworthy when I was baptized?
by Apognophos ingrowing up as a witness, a scripture that was used heavily by the society began to puzzle me:.
the heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate.
I assume they mean that at your baptism when you dedicate yourself to the organisation your heart and mind and reasoning are no longer your own but become under the sole control of and become directed by that organisation. Hive mind.
Your heart and mind are only correct and good when you submit, follow and are obedient. Anything outside of this and you are corrupt, desperate and bad.
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.
How is it possible to receive a hundredfold of any of these things when in heaven there will be no marriage, no parents, no having children, no land and certainly not living in a house.. let alone 100 of them?
Just sharing - Beautiful, 3500 y.o. female mummy from West China
by fulltimestudent insearching for information regarding the north side of tibet province in china, i found this image of this woman:.
"the beauty of xiaohe," female mummy, ca 1800-1500 bc.
excavated from xiaohe (little river) cemetery 5, charqilik (ruoqiang) county, xinjiang uygur autonomous region, china.
The Beauty of Xiaohe mummy is a bit of a problem for the Chinese. The 4,000 year old almost perfectly preserved mummy is Caucasian, indicating European settlers might have been in China’s Tarim Basin before Asians. That doesn’t fit the official Chinese history and so Chinese officials have pulled the mummy from the museum exhibition in the United States.The Chinese government has put an official travel ban on a mummy as well as some other artifacts that were scheduled to be shown as part of the ‘Secrets of the Silk Road’ exhibition in museums in the United States. The problem seems to be the the artifacts, and the mummy in particular, have secrets of their own. The Beauty of Xiaohe, pictured above, has been dead for over 4,000 years and yet she tells a story that conflicts with the official Chinese history of migrations into China.
As you can see from the picture, The Beauty of Xiaohe is a near-perfectly preserved mummy. She has long eyelashes and hair that still falls across her shoulders. She also has Caucasian features. That’s the problem. Her very existence, and that of others that have been found in China’s Tarim Basin, in Xinjiang province suggest that the area was settle by Europeans rather than Asians initially. That flies in the face of the accepted history of China.
According to the Chinese government, the Chinese first made contact with the west around 200BC when the then emperor Wu Di tried to establish an alliance with the West against the Huns who were then based in Mongolia. The mummy suggest that Westerners were in China long before then.
This isn’t just a problem with having to alter the government-approved version of contact between East and West. It has to do with a separatist movement by the current inhabitants of the oil rich China’s Tarim Basin, in Xinjiang province. The Uighurs who have had violent clashes with what they view as intrusion from the Han Chinese in recent years.
It is thought that perhaps The Beauty of Xiaohe mummy will give the muslim Uighurs fuel for their fight with the ruling Han Chinese. And so, for now, the mummy has been pulled from exhibitions in the United States by the Chinese.
Breaking News: Five White NYPD Officers neck choke an African American Guy for breaking up a fight
by Scott77 inhttp://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8ae_1405660548.
It's confirmed.. they outright murdered this man.
http://rt.com/usa/177480-eric-garner-chokehold-nypd-homicide/.. even if you resist arrest the penalty should not be instant death by police executioner/s.