Is that all?
To org folk those numbers may seem like something to shout about. Until you peel off the WT blinkers and step out into the real world.
Here's some real world numbers to think about.
EMINEM has 94,398,773 individual people following his face book page..
Rhiana: 85,001,512
Shakira: 81,096,090
Christiano Ronaldo: 72,775,745
Lady Gaga: 67,374,921
Just the 5 individual above have almost 400 million individual fans between them.
Even the Simpsons which is a cartoon for goodness sake has ten times more followers at 70,045,642 in 25 years than the Org has in 130.
Roughly 3,703,064,798 people on this planet believe in a God. Only 7 million of that number claim to believe in the God as taught by the Jehovah's Witnesses. What does that say?
So, apart from having the status of published the most unread copies of any magazine in history (I wonder what environmental damage this cost in terms of trees..) the Org and it's boastful census I mean stat keeping is merely an inaudible blip in the numbers game.
One crummy Christmas pop song by a hot chick in a short skirt can generate greater stats in a weekend.
I feel so many here are just paying this org all way too much importance.