You just knew the anthropology goob couldn't stay away from this
But when it comes to genes, humans are so similar to the two species of chimpanzee that physiologist Jared Diamond has called us "the third chimpanzee." A quarter-century of genetic studies has consistently found that for any given region of the genome, humans and chimpanzees share at least 98.5% of their DNA.
(the 2 chimp species mentioned are the common chimp, Pan troglodytes, and the bonobo, Pan paniscus)
The sources I looked at had 98.5% as a minimum...some said "over 99%"
It's also important to know that humans and the chimp species are more similar to each other genetically, than either are to the other apes - ie, chimps are more like us than they are like gorillas (the 5 great ape species [hominidae] are: common chimps, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans and humans; apes are one of the types of primates)
...and I better stop the Physical Anth lesson right here before you all whack me...