Pricisa what currency? Do you still accept the Iraqi denar?
You you offer special 1/2 hour rates? 2 4 1's?
"i am meeting with the duke later on today for tea".
"i am the smartest person that i know because i can out debate any idiot here, and i can prove it!
" when i was at bethel, a few members of the governing body tried to molest me".
Pricisa what currency? Do you still accept the Iraqi denar?
You you offer special 1/2 hour rates? 2 4 1's?
the us military has revealed it is holding juveniles at its high-security prison for terrorists at guantanamo bay in cuba, known as camp xray.
the commander of the joint task force at guantanamo, major general geoffrey miller, says more than one child under the age of 16 is at the detention centre.
There is a huge difference between the Iraqis and those who are in Cuba.
Have you thought of sending a few Sega's down there for the poor children terrorists?
the situation with sars in asia appears to be worsening and travel restrictions alone are likely to have a devastating effect on the immediate asian economy (singapore, taiwan, hong kong etc...) as a lot of these rely on trade and travel.. i wonder if the world could now cope with going back 20+ years to a time when fewer people travelled and international travel was a rarity for the majority of people.. nowadays we take for granted that we can jump on a plane and jet off to faraway lands ... but what if we couldn't?
i think one "benefit" (bad word) to sars is that it could put a brake on globalisation which i see as a bad thing.
it could put a brake on globalisation which I see as a bad thing.
In the mass general sense I agree with you.
Simon would you be for making all boarders less pourous?
What is your stance on the EU, say Turkey entering the pact for one thing. (Generally speaking too?) We can talk WTO issues and NAFTA but I'm trying to start slow.
we bought the "simpsons road rage" game a few months ago, mainly for the kids.. if they've been playing before they went to bed then me and angharad have had a few gos in the evening and have been competing for the high score.
over the last few week, we've traded it and nudged it up until angharad reached an unattainable 9,100 points.
eventually, after hours of dedicated thumb twiddling i managed to beat it with 9,300 and then push it out of rech with 11,300. i was the champion.
Megadude is C&C Gen pretty good?
I have been thinking about getting it. (I have all the others)
Jayson (Of the to old to but still do play video games class.)
Sorry Simion, Is there any way you can cheat on the game?
"Old age and trickery will overcome youth and skill."
are you ruttish?
what do you do to get out of a rut?.
i just bought a new motorcycle.
Are you ruttish? What do you do to get out of a rut?
I just bought a new motorcycle. Aunt Sam is has been paid her share of my money so now I get a new toy
What floats your boat?
with the recent united states military success in iraq, which has set the ball rolling for the liberation of the iraqi people, it is not time to relax and sit on our asses.
there are more people to liberate.. the world faces many threats.
wmd could, if they fall into the wrong hands, kill millions.
the holes of the world need to stop fighting and embrace democracyWell, this is a good point. But from my reading of it is that without favourable economic conditions democracy hasn't got a hope. Good economic conditions and the development of democracy go hand in hand.
Second, not all nations that are destitute are engulfed by civil war. They are just poor. No!
Third, who makes all the weapons that feed into these little holes that fight.
"World on Fire" is a good scholarly source on this topic. IMO
You are right Zep, you could also say that democratic process and favorable economic conditions go hand in hand. Thus, President Bush has the "Millenium fund." Sure you are going to say it's not enough. But lets see if these bastards want peace or power. Call it the "penny tax" ideology. Aid is so much cheaper than JDAM's. But I don't want to aid terrorists or evil governments any more. Some people just need killing.(Peace though Strength) If children starve then they starve as the world goes on it's nothing new. We will never be without the poor.
By peaceful means or the sword it seems a new world is forming. ~"Let's roll!"~
What peaceful democratic nations are you refering to as my term of "holes?"
Yes, who does sell the arms that they use? Facts and not bias opinions please.
Would you willingly eat them?
with the recent united states military success in iraq, which has set the ball rolling for the liberation of the iraqi people, it is not time to relax and sit on our asses.
there are more people to liberate.. the world faces many threats.
wmd could, if they fall into the wrong hands, kill millions.
Bono has the right idea. But first the holes of the world need to stop fighting and embrace the concepts of democracy and rights of citizens. Otherwise no matter what we do they will kill and starve themselves. They have been doing that for a very long time.
That the USA does not give enough to help people is such bunk. (Like saying that Canada's GNP & it's aid tied into & compared to the US means crap.)
Before you go being critical of an entire Nation and the world, maybe you should go join the peace core. You know, dig ditches, wells and build some roads for all those poor poor people. Please, take Senator Patty Murray with you. Maybe if you did that for the rest of your life then you might feel better. Or better yet run for President of the United States of America. You seem to have it all figured out. How could people not see the logic of your reasoning skills. "Just fix it". "Trade in guns for water wells." So simple, "swords to plowshares." Why didn't someone think of that one before?
i've had people point, make comments under their breath, give me dirty looks, after i was declared "bad association"(because even though i still was going in service, i refused to turn in a timecard.
I've told the story many times. Its not just the dfted its anyone around them that will stand up for, beside, or with them. Social events are the worst.
Minimus asked why I don't just kick some ass. To those that know how bad it is on the inside isn't not kicking there ass better punishment? Leaving them to themselves; by themselves while we have a happy life with our kids; thats all the revenge I need.
People who are that full of hate, guys I pity them. I can only hope that one day they see the beauty of letting the hate and the hurt and fear go.
is israel next on the us hit list?
as you can see from this nbc news repost, they as many wmd as britain or franch.
If you want the road to peace someone is going to have to drive. It ain't the U less N ations.
Israel has a right to secure boarders. It has the right to exist. The Arab dream of an all Arab Palistine is going to only lead them to more and more misery. The Palestinians have had many chances for a better future and they keep throwing it away. Everytime the Arab fools attack Israel they loose more and more land. Nothing will change the mind of an anti-semite it's like talking to the dead.
Rich you know I like ya. Just want those sources.
This thread is a Weapon of Mass Distraction.