do any of you good people of remember going to a district convention and hearing that little announcement the chairman would make before the bible-drama started?.
it generally went like this: "please remain seated during the drama and please do not obstruct other peoples view if using recording equipment such as camcorders" and he would also say "please do not use flash photography because it distracts others and is of little use.".
they made such a fuss anyone would think we were all going to witness the second coming of christ, floating down on his chariot onto the field!
Luckily our Conventions are never really that HUGE here where I stay, so there was never a chance to see the Drama boys flapping their arms. That would surely have provoked stifled giggles, esp. if you were sitting close to the was also truly hilarious to see all the bearded Brothers.
They said "Why Should I Apologize", not "Why Should WE Apologize". Subtle, but important distinction.
An apology from the Governing Body? You'll get one of those immediately after the porcine aviators wing their way out of the frozen depths of Hell, my friend!
i was talking with an athiest friend the other day and he brought up the subject of how society in general has been governed by the christian moral code.
some christians apparently predict chaos in society if an athiest moral code ever replaced the christian one.
this made me wonder....what is the athiest moral code?
dears friends and brothers and sisters.. i must communicate an important fact, that is succeding from italy.. i have started, with many others brothers and sisters, a new economic system for survive in the next great tribulation added with this mondial economic recession.. "new light" delibrate of unite these bad conditions, with the near jehovah day.. in revelation is wrote, that those economic conditions are be arrived, and all jheovah's witnesses, must live with the nations this situation.. always new light delibrate that all us, must give power to another global economic system, for survive in these conditions.. from 1998, i have sustained, that the millenium bug (y2k) have actived this negative economic spiral, with many comunications to cd to brooklyn and rome, but they have felt not important.. .
with many brothers and sacrificies, i have done start this new economic system.. actually is present in to 22 nations, but it find many difficulties, for his expansion. ( this because go against the bank monetary system ).. from italy we have adjusted and improve this system, but we are still many little persons, that give power it.. the beast 666, have a project for to do all us slaves of she.. we jehovah's witnesses, don't must become his puppets, and must be completely separated from she.. the poverty is his objective.. she want bring all the men in poverty extreme, for keep in possess the live of all men.. this new type of modern slavery, not is approved from jehovah, and we his servers, must to be separated from the beast.. we must to be only from part of jehovah god.. ( romans 12:1-2 ).. we, that have known the truth, must be actives and ready for be christians free completely.. visit this web site of italian brothers engaged in this community.
Using humans to generate electricity is about as efficient as popping paper bags to make yourself fly forwards on a wheelchair!
There are creatures in the animal kingdom which are MUCH more efficent at generating electricity than lowly humans, such as stingrays and electric eels.
Humans are a rather poor choice in this regard.
Is my geeky side showing? Oh dear Ghod no. To think that all those G.A. (Geeks Anonymous, Hi, My name's [SYN], and I think Counterstrike sucks) meetings were for nothing!
Not just the young people, though. The pods in which the humans were placed are all filled with the same goo... liquified corpses.
Maybe I used the wrong word. What I meant was, the younger people!
Morpheus wasn't the only one flying around helping people out of the Matrix. More talented, maybe. But not the only one.
Well the only one I saw flying in the whole movie was NEO! Maybe in the next movie we get to see more rescuers whizzing about like they've got giant amounts of fizzy candy up their bums!
I share your obsession, dude! Although the Matrix's science was, uh, a bit fuzzy to say the least, it was a SCHWEET movie and I've watched it about 5^4828292 times!
1. Humans were used in the movie as energy source, batteries, for the Matrix. What happened when the energy was depleted? What happened to old people in the movie?
They got recycled and fed to the young people.
2. At the end of the movie, Neo was able to fly and was invincible. Why were the others not able to do that too?
Because they weren't "THE ONE", whatever that means!
3. Morpheus was already free, outside of the Matrix. He was helping others to escape and worked to unite them to fight for a real life free from the Matrix. In modern times, who would you say is our Morpheus, in relation to coming out of the Org?
Gee, this is starting to sound like a Watchtower Study In modern times, there are MANY Morpheuses. Ray Franz would be a big one, I suppose, if any, but it's wrong to glorify just one man, as there have been so many fine "Brothers" who've helped others out of the TroOpH.
4. Trinity was also outside the Matrix, and was a contact person who repeatedly went "in" to accomplish what was needed. Fearless, yet vunerable to the Agents because she still suffered from the programming. Yet, when paired with Neo, she was able to face her fears and accomplish the impossible. She was not up to the task on her own, nor strong enough on her own, but rose to the occasion with Neo. In modern times, who would you say is our Trinity, in relation to coming out of the Org?
OMG, dude, bad vibes, this is JUST like a question in the Watchtower! Hell, I don't know?
5. Besides Silentlambs, what other "causes" in relation to the Org can you think of? Standing up to a committee, standing up to JW's in public as far as shunning. What other causes can you think of???
Well, AJWRB for starters!
...I ran out of posts for today, but I HAD TO answer this one!
everytime a new revelation comes to the board, some suggest that this is the big one.
whether it be the blood issue, the u n debacle, the silentlambs saga, some cryptic comment about jw's and their involvement with churches, it seems like nothing effects the jehovah's witnesses rank and file.
Things must be really great in America, but sadly, the last time I drove past my old Hall, it was more packed than ever
Then again, South Africa is a country where only a very tiny part of the total population has access to the Internet, whereas in America many, many people have that's probably a telling indication of just how powerful the Web can be!