Funk and Wagnalls dictionary:
lie 1.An untrue statement made with the intent of deceiving; a falsehood. 2 That which creates or is intended to produce a false impression. lied, lying: 1. To make and untrue statment or statements, esp with intent to deceive. 2. To give an erroneous or misleading impression
WT 2/1881 p188- "New light never contradicts old light, but adds to it"
WT 2/15/1933 p 51: "There are no scriptures in Gods word that are contradictory. All are in exact harmony"
now see WT 4/2/1920, p103- "That it (the finished mystery) contains some mistakes is freely admitted. Even the Bible contains some"
Which is it? How can scripture be in "exact harmony" and yet "contain some" mistakes? One of those statments must be a lie.
Heres a doozy:" The Bible is organization minded and it cannot be fully understood without our having the theocratic organization in mind." I believe this is a lie, esp the second part of the statement.
talking about the Trinity, WI 4/1/1970: " The doctrine, in brief, is that there are three gods in one" This is not what Trinitarians believe! Believers in the triune God believe that there are three PERSONS in ONE GOD. Its the JW's who believe in three seperate gods: Jehovah, Jesus , and Satan.
WT 8/1/1972 p 458 "The organization is controlled altogether by God and by the forces he operates"
But this one, this one i think takes the cake: WY 6/1/1960 p352: "Lying to God's enemies is not really lying but war strategy"
This statement alone proves that the WT condones lying when it suits their purpose.
peace to all-L