Kelly is the bomb! She has such an awesome voice. She does sound sort of like Mariah, but i think better. She has a bit of a Wynonna/Elvis thing going too.Justin is a class act. Nikki........the best singer in her local karaoke bar and thats about it. Her voice lacks range. She has a "look" to her, but i wouldnt call it original, more like...eighties Recycled Madonna. When she said she sounds just like Stevie Nicks , i about hurled. She is nowhere near as talented as the great Ms. Nicks. plus she used her kid to get the sympathy vote, tacky. Sorry, im sure she is a nice person, but i think she shouldnt have made the top 5, much less the top 3. IMO.
America made the right choice.......Kelly is the best!
peace to all! -Lauren ;)